you get revenge?

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Post by najiwench »

So, I got an email from "blizzard account admin" saying that my account was in jeopardy because of selling it and blah blah blah, directing me to this I look into it (of course not clicking the link) and of course it's phishing.

So, I look at the originating's a hotmail account so I look it up..omg it's linked to a facebook profile!

What are the odds that this is actually the dumbass trying to phish me? and what would YOU do with said information? I have lots of ideas but...well...not sure if I want to follow through with them...
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Re: you get revenge?

Post by Tweelis »

Keep in mind the hotmail account may have been hacked. So with that in mind your best course of action would be to get a hold of" onclick=";return false; or" onclick=";return false; and let them handle it.

If it is some nitwit trying to get your credit card number the people on the other side of those links will screw their life up pretty bad. If somebody hacked that persons hotmail account the person with the hotmail account may actually be thankful their name was cleared.
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