Pillars Raid, arcane tower issue

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Pillars Raid, arcane tower issue

Post by Nylrem01 »


We have been busting our heads against Pillars a couple times a week the past few weeks, and having some issues in arcane. We have been 100% successful in light, and pretty close in dark if we get enough SKs, but Arcane still proving very difficult, even with 3 chanters and 2 rangers in the tower.

I know we must be doing something fundamentally wrong, here. Generally, we mez/root/punt the gargoyles to the walls, have a monk move mountains pull a mezd one to the shard sometimes (it's believed it dies faster if mezd by the shard, and possibly unlocks its hp faster??) and chanters charm/sit the arcwardens when they pop.

We get the heal emotes a lot, and have yet to figure out just what exactly mechanic is causing the shard to heal, believed to possibly be when a gargoyle remains unmezd or they are too close and cause each other to break mez?

We have managed to kill all the gargs 1 time, but the shard's HP was locked at 40% until that time, and, having less than 1 minute left on timer, we weren't able to dps it down fast enough and ran out of time. We generally have 3-4 mag and 1-2 wiz as dps in this event.

Anyway, was just looking for maybe a tiny bit of assistance, if willing to share :)
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Re: Pillars Raid, arcane tower issue

Post by Piemastaj »

We do this with 1 warrior, 2 enc, 1 ranger, 1 bard for CC. Also a cleric and that is it. We have done it with as little as 2 Mages nuking and as many as 6 nukers. Placement is vital on this side, it gets to a point where once you learn the placement you simply can not lose.

Basically you have 5 max gargoyles at a time. You need to get 40 gargoyle deaths to kill the shard, and you have iirc 10 unlocks. It is unlocked to 90, then 80-70-60-50-40-30-25-20-15-dead. Arcwardens break mezz, have the Bard charm that mob. Charm kills the arcwarden. Have the ranger punt the mobs around the room, you can have all 5 planted in the room and have them be far enough away so as to not break the mezz. I would recommend having the ranger re-punt a currently mezzed mob by the crystal to 'kill it faster', I am unsure if that truly does work (we beta tested this raid in-depth and were never told about that part, so I am unsure if it is true or not, or it could have been added in).

The crystal gains back health as the gargoyles remain unmezzed and or get woken up iirc. I know for sure if they remain unmezzed for a period they heal it, I am only about 50/50 if they get woken up they will heal it. You also have like a 2 second blank period where the gargoyle will do nothing and can not be touched so as to pre-target the mob.

It comes down to needing decent Enchanters, and a solid Ranger to make the side function properly. If you can do Black/Light Arcane should be doable, you just need to work your strategy better on placement. Our Wizards generally use their burn stuff (mostly to pad the parse) right before we start so it will be back up before the namer burn. I use a Fire pet and then first/twincast spell/EU during this part.

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Re: Pillars Raid, arcane tower issue

Post by Zegzag »

Piemastaj wrote:Basically you have 5 max gargoyles at a time. You need to get 40 gargoyle deaths to kill the shard, and you have iirc 10 unlocks. It is unlocked to 90, then 80-70-60-50-40-30-25-20-15-dead. .
Question, do you have to kill the gargoyles right at 90%, 80%, 70% etc.. before you keep DPS'ing or no and just continue untill it unlocks at all stages, while gargoyles are being continually killed?
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Re: Pillars Raid, arcane tower issue

Post by Piemastaj »

Mezz kills the Gargs. As they die the crystal unlocks. There are 2 emotes, 1 about tha crystal healing the other is about the crystal becoming weaker/unlocking.

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Re: Pillars Raid, arcane tower issue

Post by Zegzag »

Yea I know mezz kills the gargs lol

and no I just didn't know if you had to kill them according to how fast you killed the crystal with the % it was at, thx for clarifying the emotes tho :)
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