Shadow of Fear:

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Shadow of Fear:

Post by Piemastaj »

Spells: The Values are for Rank 1-3. 1 being the lowest, 3 being the highest.
Level 96:
Auspice of Shadows: 45.8k, 48k, or 50.4k Spell or Melee pet Rune. It has a 5 hit limit on it.

Blast of Sand: 8.3k, 8.8k or 9.2k DD. Upgrade to our Burst of Sand line, Conjuration nuke.

Level 97:
Rain of Blistersteel: 13.4k, 14k, or 14.7k Wave DD. Upgrade to our Rain of Molten Steel line. AE.

Level 98:
Beam of Scythes: 8.8k, 9.2k, or 9.7k Frontal AE DD. Upgrade to Beam of Razors.

Level 99:
Aegis of Nefori: 20.7k, 21.8k or 22.9k Spell or Melee pet Rune. 9 hit limit. This will replace Aegis of Kildrukaun.

Chaotic Benevolence: 5.8k, 6.1k, or 6.4k AE pet heal. 10, 12 or 14% chance to proc. Upgrade to our Chaotic Restitution line.

Level 100:
Blistersteel Malosenia: Casts Shock of Blistersteel and Malosenia on the mob. Combines the 2 spells together.

Surge of Shadow: Upgrade to our Surge of Arcanum line. If I post the details it will probably confuse you more then inform. Works exactly the same.

AA's: Same as spells if there is a X, X, or X that is meaning the ranks.
Cloak of Shadows: Self only Fade. Recast is 8 minutes. It works like Bard Fade where you are invis, but lack the invis buff. Does not lock-out Drape.

Elemental Forms: These split into 2 buffs now. The illusion portion is in the song window, the Actual useful buff is in your Buff window. Everything that requires a proc is procced off Detrimental Spells. 1 Hour duration.

Air: Has a 5, 8, or 12% chance to Proc Elemental Air on your target. Stuns level 100 mobs and lower for 1 second.
Earth: Increases your HP by 2500. Has a 5, 8, or 12% chance to proc Elemental Earth on your group. This is a 6 hit Rune that mitigates up to 3k DMG per hit.
Water: Increases your Mana Regen by 36 per tick.
Fire: Has a 5, 8 or 12% chance to proc Elemental Flames. Essentially like a mini fire Core. Increases your next spells DMG b/t 20 and 100%. That is not a raw DMG increase, it literally works like fire Core and Elemental Union.

Elemental Ward: This ability had a bugged portion that they should be trying to fix. I would imagine when they fix the bug this MAY get reverted back to its original form. Until then it works like so: At any % you may click this AA and you get and it casts Elemental Shield on you (song window). 10k, 12.5k, 15k HP heal a long with a 1.5k, 1.75k or 2k Heal over Time. This also is a 100% mitigation of spell and melee DMG up to: 25k, 32k or 40k. When you exceed the DMG amount this buff fades. Lasts 1 minute. 18min recast.

Extended Ice-Fire-Stone-Vapor Core: Adds 6 seconds per rank to those abilities.

Flames of Power: Allows fickle Magma to have an increased chance to proc Flames of Power. Increases the chance by: 27, 30, 34%.

Hastened Elemental Union: Decreases Elemental Union's re-use by 1 minute per rank.

Hastened Virulent Talon: Decreases the re-use time of Virulent Talon by 1 minute per rank.

Mana Reserve: This also is wrapped up in the same bug as Elemental Ward. It MAY get changed. Basically When you have 20% or less of your mana pool left you may click this AA and it gives you back 12k mana. 18 min recast.

Quick Damage: Lowers our cast times on Damage spells by an additional 5%, bringing the total to 20%. Basically it makes it so if you don't have rank 3 of Cleric Spell haste your not penalized. It does nothing else for DMG other then make up for the lack of rank 3 spell haste.

Second Wind Ward: Procs a defensive buff on our pet if the pet drops below 20% HP. Each rank increases the effectiveness of the buff. Absorbs 25 hits for a max of: 1k, 1.4k, 1.9k DMG per hit. 8k, 9.5k or 12k Heal on your pet. 3k, 4k, or 5k Heal over time on your pet and additional AC. 30 minute recast.

Shared Health: Increased the duration of the pet shielding and added a 12k Heal to the ability. 15 minute refresh.

Shifting Elements: Decreases the re-use time of our Core abilities by 1 minute per rank.

Steel Vengeance: Has a chance to add DMG to our Magic Steel line of spells. 8.4k, 8.9k, or 9.5k.

Wind of Malosinete: AE Version of Malosinete that works on up to 5 mobs. 2 Minute recast.
Last edited by Piemastaj on Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Shadow of Fear:

Post by Piemastaj »

With the addition of the Fire rain it changes the best DPs weave for us in raids, and also significantly increases our sustained in the group game. For the raid weave here is a self parse proving that double rains is our best setup.

Believe this was with only Fire Core on, which would not effect our Fire Rain:

/GU Test One Hundred Three in 218s, 6962k @31936dps --- Piemastaj 6962k @31936dps.
Test One Hundred Three on 4/10/2013
Piemastaj - 44
--- Rain of Blistersteel Rk. III - 15
--- Spear of Blistersteel Rk. III - 14
--- Spear of Molten Steel Rk. III - 15

/GU Test One Hundred Three in 219s, 8080k @36897dps --- Piemastaj 8080k @36897dps.
Test One Hundred Three on 4/10/2013
Piemastaj - 44
--- Rain of Blistersteel Rk. III - 15
--- Rain of Scythes Rk. III - 15
--- Spear of Blistersteel Rk. III - 14
Gamparse doesn't pick up the first cast when merely nuking, but I cast each spell 15 times.

As for the group game, well the DMG is there for a Spear while using half the mana. Granted with adds it means your tank will need to pay more attention, but couple double rains with Water ele form revamp and Mana Reserve and our mana issues in the group game should be not such a hardship.

Nothing else really effected our Weave. The reduction timers will help our sustained though.

Rune/Pet Nerf:
If you are not in Beta or have not been keeping up to date on current Magician events our pets AC/HP will be nerfed slightly and our Runes took a massive hit with the nerfbat.

The AC/HP nerf will be largely unnoticed, but pets do take more DMG then they did before. That is all that really needs to be known about it.

As to the Rune nerf what happened is Aristo decided to put Caps on our pet Rune spells. That would be Aegis of Kildrukaun. Before the nerf Aegis of Kildrukaun would fully block 7-9 melee or Spell hits and the AA would block another 8 hits fully. With the introduction of Auspice of Shadows and Aegis of Nefori they basically make up for Aegis of Kildrukaun. Aegis of Nefori actually replaces Kildrukaun whereas Shadows gives us the much needed heavy mitigation Rune. Kildrukaun is being capped at 18.9k DMG per hit mitigated, Nefori is at 22.9k DMG mitigated per hit.

Now the bad part about these spells is whichever is highest on your pets buff list, gets used first. And there is about a 30k difference of mitigation per hit here. So you need to be very careful how you use these. But, basically instead of all spell/melee being fully mitigated (with the correct number of counters eaten) it will now be partially mitigated if it exceeds 50.4k or 22.9k. Meaning that if you have Shadows on and your pet gets hit with a 60k DD (yes they have spell shielding but this is merely an example) it will take 9.6k DMg if Shadows is higher on the buff list or 37.1k DMG if Nefori is higher on your pets buff list. They both function exactly how Aegis did, just in a much weaker way depending on the DMG incoming.

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Re: Shadow of Fear:

Post by Piemastaj »

Shawl 3.0:
There will be a shawl 3.0. It is in the form of an Augment with the effects on the augment and it has h/m/e and spell DMG among other things. There is a group and Raid version again as well.

However, instead of giving back the flat mana return it was, Chandrok cut the mana return in half. so we get 125 mana on a proc instead of 250 and MIGHT get the other 125 back if we get a phantom tick. However if you proc the shawl again before the 6 second mark comes up then you will automatically lose that 125 possible phantom tick regen. Shawl 2.0 will be working like this also. So essentially you gain the gear slot but are losing quite a bit of mana off of the procs. Not really a shocker when considering the nerf of the UF mana proc augs.

Other Misc stuff:
Enhanced Minion 19 will be the highest raid foci. Groupers will have access to Enhanced Minion 14.

Overall gear upgrades were very slim. Like 45HP increases slim. So I would not be expecting a lot when you start killing T3 named.

There is 1 new Spell DMG aug with 8 on it. Also a new spell proc aug with Remote healing Surge on it. Which has a chance to heal your target's target each time you cast a DMGing spell. Essentially meaning you will be healing the main tank when when this procs.

This was mostly informing about what WE got, not an entire expansion update. Possibly more to come if I noticed something was forgotten.
Last edited by Piemastaj on Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others."—Douglas Adams
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