Extended Rumbling Servant is another Underfoot AA with 1 rank that increases the duration of Rumbling Servant pets by 6 seconds per rank.
These changes have some interesting effects on the standard Magician DPS weave and our specialization choices.
A typical DPS weave casts the highest WDPS spell available, as reuse timers allow. In SoD, this usually lead to one cast of Rumbling Servant and Fickle Blaze, with two casts of both Jolt of Many and Bolt of Molten Scoria.
Code: Select all
Jolt RS Time Spell
0.00 0.00 1.70 Rumbling Servant
0.00 1.50 1.50 Global Recast
0.00 2.25 0.75 Jolt of Many
1.50 3.75 1.50 Global Recast
3.50 5.75 2.00 Bolt of Molten Scoria
5.00 7.25 1.50 Global Recast
6.80 9.05 1.80 Fickle Blaze
8.30 10.55 1.50 Global Recast
9.00 11.25 0.70 Delay
0.00 12.00 0.75 Jolt of Many
1.50 13.50 1.50 Global Recast
3.50 15.50 2.00 Bolt of Molten Scoria
5.00 17.00 1.50 Global Recast
6.00 18.00 1.00 Delay
Code: Select all
Jolt RS Time Spell
0.00 0.00 1.70 Rumbling Servant
0.00 1.50 1.50 Global Recast
0.00 2.25 0.75 Jolt of Many
1.50 3.75 1.50 Global Recast
3.50 5.75 2.00 Bolt of Molten Scoria
5.00 7.25 1.50 Global Recast
6.80 9.05 1.80 Fickle Blaze
8.30 10.55 1.50 Global Recast
9.75 12.00 1.45 Delay
Changes in DPS:
Changing what is cast in a weave results in a proportional change in the damage, by source, of that weave. Changes in proportional cast time may not be entirely representative of all DPS changes, since each spell added or removed has its own unique damage, but it should provide a reasonable starting point for comparison.
Removing two spells from the standard weave decreases the proportion of spell-based damage via cast time to 92% of its value in SoD. Reducing the reuse time of Rumbling Servant increase the proportion of RS-based damage via cast time to 144% of its value in SoD.
We can also factor in a 21% increase in Rumbling Servant duration from Extended Rumbling Servant (28 to 34 seconds), since it is significant.
There are a lot of other effects like AA upgrades, spell foci, pet foci and upgrades to auras that could also be included, but the following serves as a reasonable approximation from cast time.
Code: Select all
Spell RS Pet
0.50 0.30 0.20 SoD DPS Distribution
0.92 1.44 1.00 Change in Weave
1.00 1.21 1.00 Change in RS Duration
0.46 0.52 0.20 New DPS Values
-0.04 0.22 0.00 Change in DPS
0.39 0.44 0.17 Underfoot DPS Distribution
Changes in weave composition result in a 4% total decrease in DPS from direct damage spells and a 22% total increase in DPS from Rumbling Servant. Overall, total DPS should increase by around 18% and the distribution of DPS will shift away from direct damage and toward Rumbling Servant. As a result, Rumbling Servant will likely be our primary source of damage in a lot of situations in Underfoot.
Other upgrades will obviously increase the changes to total damage further.
Primary specializations have a cap of 260 while secondary specializations have a cap of 175. Specialization augs from LDoN raids increase both specializations by 15%.
Mana savings per specialization are calculated as the specialization value divided by 20, plus 1 for having the specialization.
Code: Select all
Primary Secondary Tertiary
260 175 125 Cap
15 15 15 Modifier
299 201 143 Modified Cap
15.95 11.05 8.15 Savings
In SoD, most raiding mages chose to specialize in Evocation instead of Conjuration. A shortened weave in Underfoot calls that choice into question.
Code: Select all
Evocation Conjuration Mana Spell
361 521 3272 Rumbling Servant
129 89 809 Jolt of Many
181 126 1141 Bolt of Molten Scoria
138 95 866 Fickle Blaze
129 89 809 Jolt of Many
181 126 1141 Bolt of Molten Scoria
1119 1046 8038 Total in SoD
809 831 6088 Total in Underfoot
Using the highest WDPS weave in Underfoot, specializing in Conjuration yields a total savings of 831 mana per weave, which is 22 mana per weave more than specializing in Evocation.
Conjuration now provides more overall benefit to a raiding Magician while maxing in Underfoot.
Underfoot's change in the reuse time of Rumbling Servant will shorten our DPS weave, shift our primary damage source from spells to swarm pets and potentially reset our specialization.
These changes should increase our DPS overall, but it will be a somewhat different game for raiding Magicians in Underfoot compared to SoD.
We will be able to use mana faster, netting us higher burst DPS. However, expending that much mana may force us to weave conservatively as fights progress. The change to Rumbling Servant's duration is a strict upgrade in DPS, while the change to recast will have no real effect on long encounters.