T2 raid pet focus being added

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Re: T2 raid pet focus being added

Post by deadman1204 »

the ways of the devs are strange and mysterious, known to none
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Re: T2 raid pet focus being added

Post by Savil »

Sorry, when somebody goes from "No, can't be done" to "ok, we'll have that in next patch" in the space of like 1 week it makes me question "why".

I've never been the type of person that just goes with things without questioning them. That is a big part of the reason the class sucks balls atm. IE Not near enough people asking questions and wanting to know why things are the way they are.

You understand it doesn't have to be some sort of conspiracy behind the question right? For all I know their might be a perfectly valid reason why the devs changed their minds. Vora could have completely misunderstood their answer. They might have changed their minds after looking at how stupid it was to not have an EM14 for no other reason than they forgot it and wanted to correct their *mistake*.

I could totally respect it if they ended up just saying "ya, we screwed up and decided to fix it vs making mages suffer for it". Simple huh?

Never blindly follow, never fail to ask questions. I know most young people have been trained for years to never question authority but common. Their is NEVER anything wrong with questions.

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Re: T2 raid pet focus being added

Post by svenalo »

Failing to ask the question "Does it really matter?" is a problem in and of itself, as is stirring up a hornets nest for no reason. There is often plenty wrong with questions that are asked...it all depends on the intent and agenda of the one asking.
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Re: T2 raid pet focus being added

Post by Voragath »

Savil wrote:It seems as tho I remember you saying that the devs told you it couldn't / wouldn't be done this exp... What changed?

They never said it wouldn't but it was a time thing. Ultimately, I have no idea what changed their minds. That thread on live could have been it or it could have just happened they had the change in the works already.

I don't think they really wanted to bump a focus to add EM and that was the issue. Either they had to find a better way (as in an item that had a free focus spot - which there really wasn't), create an entirely new item (which is a huge time investment so was least likely to happen), or go ahead and risk some unhappiness at bumping a focus (least amount of time). Well, that's the basics of what the best options were.

There's a myriad of possibilities that could have led to the change. I'm just glad that they went ahead and added it in though it would have been better had they done this in beta.
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Re: T2 raid pet focus being added

Post by Savil »

With all the crap items in EQ I can't see how creating a new item would be a "huge time investment" unless the devs are lazy. Sorry to be blunt, but I've seen items created in a single day in the past when it was needed.

I totally agree with the last part tho, it would have been much better to have done this during beta when it was first pointed out to them.

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