Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Falino-Luclin »

What's next, will they decide that Tweyene's Stone of Evocation and Stone Guardian's Conjuration Shard are too powerful and nerf those too?

In retrospect these augs probably are a little overpowered, but when your class is seemingly balanced around these effects, these nerfs are a nerf to the class itself, not just the item.
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Sillaen »

Falino-Luclin wrote: In retrospect these augs probably are a little overpowered
Nonsense. Now that's the end of that. :mrgreen:
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Andorrabell »

Wow, and to think that I've passed up the crappy HOT mana recourse augs because I didn't need them,
oh and every other HOT primary/secondary/range aug I've seen, because I didn't need them.

I know I for one didn't know this was happening because I assumed the patch notes were = to the test patch notes that I saw a few days ago, which they are, except that this nerf was ADDED.

Because they need to make us suck even more than we already do. seriously. Why do I even bother?

So, what are our other options in those slots, I guess I have either some farming or some quitting to do...

P.S. At least I don't have to go farm arena missions..
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Andorrabell »

Also, can someone explain why its capped at 86 and not at 85?
I've always felt spear and RS reallys hould be level 86 spells..
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Sarenot »

If it is capped at 86 i guess we go to dual bolt rotations with clash thrown in and Spear / RS / lower RS on GOM procs for any long events. Yea, i can totally see us making the top 25 with that dps right there
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Mindrix »

Sarenot wrote:I think before any discussion on how to fix anything, we need to sort 2 important things:

1) communication with devs - who is our CL now, do we have one at all, is Tulisin officially gone (if not wth not), do we have someone or some people who can represent all aspects of the mage game (grping and raiding).

2) Clarity from devs where they see mages as fitting into the raiding game now. Seems we do not have a role anyone is comfortable with. We cant get more dps on burns or we encroach on wizards, we can't get more mana regen or we are in necro territory. It is seemingly perfectly ok for necros to outburn us, and melee to outsustain us and outburn us. So what is our role?

I have to admit to being very angry atm - this change is just the final straw for me, after seeing how far we have fallen in relative power to other classes already. It seems totally unnecessary and totally a step in the wrong direction.
1) CL program is all but effectively dead. It was always just a chat channel, but only 1-2 Devs ever joins it anymore. So just assume it's dead and the few still in the CL program can make a post in the forum that'll be ignored.

2) You won't see clarity. They don't know anyway. All of their information is either out of date or outright wrong, and has been for a while. That's what caused so many problems in UF. They simply don't know what the state of the game really is. And probably won't for a long while. They've never developed the type of players that can give them really good feedback. (Or, the current set of Devs have done a whole lot to run them off)

So, there's no real direct lines of communication. The best idea at this point is to show a lot of parses to Aristo, so maybe our spells get fixed. Though most of it should really be done on the AA end. Changing Fire Core to a 350% to 450% focus (not 1-450%, but 350-450%) would solve a whole lot of our Burn issues in a very big hurry.

There's a bunch of ways to solve our problems really quickly, without causing a huge drag on other classes or balance issues, but they likely won't be willing to do it.
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Andorrabell »

Mindrix wrote: 2) You won't see clarity. They don't know anyway. All of their information is either out of date or outright wrong, and has been for a while. That's what caused so many problems in UF. They simply don't know what the state of the game really is. And probably won't for a long while. They've never developed the type of players that can give them really good feedback. (Or, the current set of Devs have done a whole lot to run them off)

So, there's no real direct lines of communication. The best idea at this point is to show a lot of parses to Aristo, so maybe our spells get fixed. Though most of it should really be done on the AA end. Changing Fire Core to a 350% to 450% focus (not 1-450%, but 350-450%) would solve a whole lot of our Burn issues in a very big hurry.

There's a bunch of ways to solve our problems really quickly, without causing a huge drag on other classes or balance issues, but they likely won't be willing to do it.
#2 is frighteningly correct. The Fire Core fix would be easy and fix our crap pretty quickly... I suppose one can always dream.
Do we have anyone actually talking to the devs directly anymore?
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Voragath »

If you post a bug, you can usually get a response in a few days to very quickly. All dependent on bug severity and what the dev is doing at that time (eating a sandwich or working on an expansion).

As far as anything else, who knows? I brought up the lack of a type 3 for spear to Ngreth and he pointed me to the right dev. Sent an email and...yeah, nothing. /shrug
School is about out for me, Monday is my last exam, and I'm gonna start pounding emails and see what happens. Probably a lot of nothing. We do need lots and lots of guild parses to be sent in like Mindrix said. It is the only thing they'll listen to for dps. If you send one, post it here. Maybe start a thread titled guild parses from HoT so the community can get a feel for what's being done. BTW, don't post it here if you don't send it to a dev or it's against your guild rules (if you have some silly rule like that).

I did a brief cameo at a raid just before Thanksgiving (I haven't been able to raid for 3 months because of school and research) so I don't have all the neat tier 7 stuff or full out tier 6 stuff and I was level 89. At that raid, I was able to hit the top 5. I confess, I had a bard who was a main, an officer, and very good. Double gruber's FTW! I'm working on my parsing skills to see if I can parse at raids again. If I get it up, you can expect to see some from me here. We aren't end game but I'd say probably a top end mid-tier guild. It'll be interesting to see how long I can stay top 5 since HoT raids are retardedly easy and we are starting to work through them as we progress through Tier 7. I rarely have a bard though, so who knows where I'll show up when I get back; chanters just really suck at helping out mages.

Oh, and about T's Stone, are we sure that didn't get nerfed too? J/k, except, not really lol
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Gnomeland »

I get the feeling the devs are awfully out of touch as well. EQ is understandably on its last legs in terms of man power, but even with a limited dev team if the devs know what they're doing things shouldn't be this bad. Nowadays they buff and nerf classes like it's a roller coaster with no brakes. If you scream loud enough and manage to confuse them they'll give you what they gave rangers in HoT. If you don't or if the odds are stacked against you because of other classes whining (as it was in our case unfortunately) then you get left in the dust. Expansions are released either overtuned or undertuned, with zones in the same tier being ridiculously out of synch in difficulty, sweeping and arbitrary changes going around (remove enrage? why? not that I'm complaining about no mob enrage, but wouldn't the time be better spent on something else?)... It's a mess.

I don't think we'll be able to sort this all out, but what is our best chance for getting something done? I don't want to spend the next year (or longer) like this...
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Re: Nerf: Underfoot Sympathetic Alleviation augments

Post by Voragath »

Gnomeland wrote:I get the feeling the devs are awfully out of touch as well. EQ is understandably on its last legs in terms of man power, but even with a limited dev team if the devs know what they're doing things shouldn't be this bad.
This is easy. They are out of touch plain and simple. It's an easy test. Okay, necros are king dps atm at raids, right? Well, devs decide that they need to have TC. Now, why on Earth would you boost a class that much that is already ahead of the game? Because they have no smurf clue how classes are working at the moment, that's why. One lame-o just gets up and says, "huphup, yup, wouldn't it be cool if necros could twincast too? I bet they'd find that fun! Golly gee!" The devs are just flat out clueless to the classes. Sure, Elidroth may know how the aa's are supposed to work (debatable) and Aristo may know what the spells are supposed to do (again, debatable) but they have NO IDEA on how those two go together and what they mean for a class or in respect to other classes.
Gnomeland wrote: (remove enrage? why? not that I'm complaining about no mob enrage, but wouldn't the time be better spent on something else?)... It's a mess.
What? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on not understanding what led to this change. This wasn't just a fly-by-night change because it's been in the works for a few years now. There was a monk ability, to start, that was supposed to allow them to do extra damage when mobs went ape but had the unintended side effect of making them immune to it. Well, now, that's OP so they gave a similar ability to nearly everyone in HoT to shore up the disparity. Well, there was still a disparity AND it wasn't intended at all to make people immune and they can't fix the ability to make you not immune without also making you lose the dps. In the end, the only true fix and to make everyone equally immune, was just to remove enrage. The main use for the ability can then still stand and no one can complain about one class being immune to rage when others aren't. Better, enrage has all but lost it's usefulness. And I hardly think this took much code time. It took them 2 (or more) years dinking around with that one stupid ability trying to make it work right on enrage and they never could figure it out. So, there you go. If you wanna be mad, be mad that they dinked around for 2 years rather than just get rid of enrage, which was asked for 2 years ago as a fix.
Gnomeland wrote:I don't think we'll be able to sort this all out, but what is our best chance for getting something done? I don't want to spend the next year (or longer) like this...
Parses sent to devs. Us raising our collective voices just like BL's, pallies, and bards have done. We'll also need some backup support like the BL's did and we have some of that. Devs claim they don't respond to "mob rule" but it's clear they have been or we would not be suffering as we are at the moment. Top that all off with one big heapin' pile o' patience.
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