New Spells for Next Expansion:

Anything relating to the magical arts (pets, spells, AAs).
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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Voragath »

Agastya wrote:i must be blind, cant see edit click! that last paragrah was for savil not for u Vora :)
Oh, man, and I was all set to get my rage on! :cry:
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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Calebe »

We use earth pets for some T3 raids. They work great for the strategy we use and as we win the event, it works for us. So there is never a one way fits all, or a best way, there is only a best way for your group or guild. Whatever works is the motto we use and if it works we use it.

As for the last few posts I use the clickie pets from the potion belt. Why not? Fast cast, added DPS and I make them after the event so ready for the next one. I don't use them on every event, but I can't see not having them made and using them. Mana free and only adds DPS and no draw back as made during the setup so basically free to use. If your not using them then it is your loss. Could they be better, of course but even so not to use them is just a net loss with no gain.

As for charm I used it during PoP and was good at it, but I don't miss it, nor want it ever again. Charm just doesn't fit a mage, now some form of an elemental neutrality would fit the class. No normal elemental should be kos to a mage, as an animal is non kos to a druid. Just throwing it out there. We don't have that and I am ok with it, but if a druid has a kindred with animals it stands to reason a mage would with elementals. So an elemental mes should never have been needed with a mage we should have been non kos from the start. ( I am not asking for that, but pointing out what should have been the case day 1. As it wasn't then ok, but an argument could have been made for it).

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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Savil »

Ya, I totally understand if the mage is going to be OT'ing or full out tanking due to the strat your guild is using to off the raid. I know we had some raids we did that very thing in as well.

Totally don't understand the not clicking items during global cool down for extra DPS tho, that just doesn't make sense. I agree they could have been MUCH better.

I tend to agree with you that mages shouldn't be kos to *normal* elementals, but still don't think we should ever have a form of full out mez for them.

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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Nylrem01 »

Savil wrote:
I can't speak to current DPS levels, but before this exp if you could hang with wizard 45-1 min burst DPS then your wizard friend sucks. Not sure about current spells if that still holds true. The main guy I used to parse against was a wizard ... he could hang even via sustained (both 3-4 min and 30 min events).

Exactly, you can't speak to current DPS levels, mob toughness or hp, current raid mechanics, current zones and mob density, or pretty much anything current. The fact that you comment about things you don't know and people you've never met or played with is extremely rude, arrogant and unwarranted.

Naugrin is probably the best wizard on Rathe. He is the 'main guy' besides my wife, that I parse against, group with, do progression with, etc. After our recent increase to raid dps, the first burn mob we had (56 second fight) I parsed at just under 63k, he parsed just under 61k dps, with both of us burning everything but glyph and 7th. Granted, this was a lowish parse for him, and a higher one for me, but on longer fights, it gets even worse. I still have Valdoon's parse for our last raid:

/fs Valdoon Kel`Novar in 180s, 64027k @355705dps --- Nylrem + pets 7559k @42947dps --- Naugrin 5755k @32885dps

That also was no ADPS, both of us burning everything but glyph and 7th. He has T3 cold focus and rk III cold ethereal, I have T2 focuses and EM 16, neither of us have rk. III 95 spells.

If it's a longer fight than that, but less than 20 min (and no 2nd ITC for the wizard) it's even more disparity. Wizards really are in need of a boost in DPS.

Then again, you wouldn't be aware of that, because you don't currently play. Please, do come back and start playing again, then give us your insight and direct observations. Or don't, whichever you prefer. But don't comment about things you really don't know about. What WAS, 18 months ago, is not the same as what IS, especially when talking about DPS. I have no doubt you WERE one of the top players, but that does not make your rude comments, condescending tone, and arrogant attitude acceptable, not even when you were playing, and especially so, now, if you aren't playing.

Its free to play now, if money is an issue. If it's not an issue, and you are still so interested in the game as to post so much here, then play. Or don't play, and stop posting and making comments about old stuff as if it were current.

P.S. Oh, and I thought it was a spell, but the wizard knockback beam is an AA with a 3 minute recast timer :(
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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Savil »

You seem to be under the impression that I don't continue to speak to current in game raiders... for example I do know that 60k burst burns are on the low side for both mages & wizards.

I said earler I felt wizards needed a bump. Wizards were *never* intended to be anything but the king of burst. Mages are *suppost* to out DPS them in the long term, this is the stance the devs have stated over and over. That said even in the sustained game it was pretty close between me and one of our guild wizards. From what I'm been told by ppl *still playing* it hasn't changed a great deal... Again tho, I'll agree wizards need more BURST DPS .. because a well played rogue / zerker destroy them on 1 min burns.

It hasn't been 18 months sense I played... ;) I don't think I've been gone an entire year just yet. You're just pissed off I said one of your ideas was bad. The fact you think that being gone for one exp suddenly makes me stupid on the class is pretty damned funny. I won't bother defending myself or my knowledge about mages to you, most people know better.

Just as an FYI, it doesn't take a lot of brains to look at the new numbers ... talk to PJ (few others mages as well) about what the weave changed into and run the math to see what current DPS numbers are. I can't remember the thread but around 8 months ago mage DPS came up, and I said mages would be topping out around 60-65k DPS unless something changed... and I was almost completely right after parses were dumped (yet shockingly I wasn't playing!!!). Stuff was changed after and I know DPS is a bit higher now but I havn't bothered to rerun the numbers, but I'm guessing its around 70-80k dps now for fully upgraded mages and mages with a *clue*.

It never changes, every single year we have several mages asking for the same stupid smurf over and over even tho the devs have said no every single year and actually quoted good reasons why (shocked!). I've had devs tell me (and I know for a fact PJ and vora) that its hard to get to the good ideas when so many bad ones are being yelled over and over. This is why the mage community gets ignored so often. We don't speak with a single voice, and 1/2 the time we have so many people yelling *clearly stupid ass ideas* that we are ignored, and the devs say smurf it and put in WTF they want.

Time and time again its been said that the devs only have so much time to devote to each class, and after they give a class X amount of smurf .. they move on until the next exp. When the devs spend a ton of time working on stupid smurf that a few MORONS were yelling for they arn't working on DPS FIXES that we *all* agree need to be done. I don't know what makes some people so smurf stupid that they can't understand this very basic idea, but there you go. So please, continue to ask for clueless smurf, and continue to get mages smurf over each and every year, and have mages like PJ/Vora/myself think you're part of the problem and a dumb ass.

BTW: Before you insult my abilities as a mage, or question if I know what I'm talking about, you might stop and think about something simple... have you seen PJ / Vora, or any mage really step up and say I'm wrong? Two mages that asked for stupid abilities got called out for it and now suddenly I don't know wtf I'm talking about, funny how that works.

Anyway, I'm done with this. Sorry if you got butthurt because I said your idea was stupid, but this board isn't for children, and were all grownups here, if you think your idea is great try *defending it* rather than yelling at me for calling you out on it.

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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Agastya »

hehe no Vora hehe, u are very polite and answered with very good manners, not like Savil, he should come back to school if he is not still there to learn some education... anyways im done with him, i have too many years to discuss with an angry kid. Just two notes. Yup, i used earth pet on these raids, sep3 and sep4, and if u watch these pics carefully u would see the other mage on raid had earth pet too, we were checking something, something which worked as u see both tries were a win... but i have explained u twice when u use earth pet on raid, so im not going to bother more with u. and about mana regen...i am on cap... just to lazy to update AAs on magelo, i usually only update items, aas and augs are slower. Anyways, if u dont play EQ anymore, what the hell are u doing here? nothing more interesting to do that talking about a game u dont play?pff so sad, but i dont care, im off with u, just try to be polite and not offend anybody, not only me, i saw u were arrogant and had bad manners with more people. if u dont like what people write just pass away, even more when u talk about a game u dont play.. and if so, just give some good idea, u didnt... anyways, blah blah blah, off.

About new spells and so. I would rather convert some spells into AAs than new spells. We have only 12 gems to set spells, but infinite for AAs. can be bothering to set a new spell into ur set, unless they give us new slot ofc. anyways i would prefer AAs, more space and free mana.
New spells. apart of the upgrades we gonna get in old spells as always, and i wont ask for an old demand, just in case i get insulted again, so lets forget about coth, twincast, petsplit/mirror, etc. As many of u have told a thaumatize update is a must and i would say too Fickle. Fickle is not used mainly now, so devs have 2 options, skip it or update it. Maybe an upgrade would be a variant of it. U cast fickle on a mob, it can proc a debuff on mob which would make next nukes u cast on the mob have a +%dmg with a max of 3 hits. So a nuke + proc but without that crap weaker component.

About PP. that would be great, would make things easier, for me its not a must, but if i haave it i would use it. mages asked long time ago for any kind of root or snare and we never got it, but it would be cool. i see difficult they give us, we could solo even easier...
A rune would be cool, but im afraid if ask devs would say we already have shareth health, DA pet,....

anyways i still would like a spell with burnout+ ic and maybe a sumon bag with armor+mask+jewerly+weapons, everything in one. so boring giving these stuff everyraid to each bst and necro. i know the latter is an old demand...
and is till say they should skip all DS´s but normal one, surge and molten, or just surge and normal, skip rest.
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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Sillaen »

Okay first thing's first.

Agastya, welcome to the boards.

That being said, I had quite a chuckle from a lot of what you posted, especially the global cool down comment. I really hope you are just trying to be funny and messing with someone here.

As to Savil, he does come across as insulting at times, but you'll get used to it. I suggest that before you start calling people noobish though, that you read a little around here and get to know the board members a little. Savil and I have not always agreed, but he knows more about the mage class than most. I in fact did the same thing he did after reading your post. A lot of it, I said "What??", then I had to go check your guild site to make sure you were real.

- New twincast? - Never gonna happen.
- what about a rain AA line? No thanks.
- we have too many DS´s spells. Keep group ds, molten and surge, erase rest. - Meh, /shrug
- mix burnout + iceflux + rune in one spell. - No thanks
- do anyone use pet runes but aegis? - Me, and by pet runes I assume you mean stance.
- thaumatize pet, i think someone started post with that. i fully agree. - I approve
- pet affected by buffs casted in mage, not need to be done by group. - I could see that, but your buffers need to do what they are supposed to.
- man, our spells cost too much mana if u compare with other classes. - Not really, we just need better mana regen capabilities.
-- gather mana more powerfull? - Yes
-- self rod better than ae one? just for us. - They'll get around to it one day, we hope.
- i would like to have a good magic nuke for those nameds with high fire resists, coz if named have them, we are fked. - It would have to be so unbelievably powerful to compensate for not being focused by FC and they wont do that.
- update of senete AA piz... - Not needed.
- please, dont invent new stupid spells like exigent minion or whatever is called... - Uhmmm, what?
- improve heal pet spell, its ridiculous. - Not needed, but yeah, I could see that.
- drape: what about drape + instant invis + instant petback? - Create a hotkey to do all of that. It's on the boards here if you need to know how to do it.
- but, i will give up all these if u improve my pet dps!!! - I won't turn any DPS improvements down, but they should fix pets 1st.
- oh, and what about to recover our Charm spell??? No thanks. A lot of those lines didn't go anywhere for a reason. It should not have been done to begin with. So this, along with the 2 dots we got way back when and the mez and that nonsense can stay on the shelf of the forgotten.
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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Calebe »

I for one would welcome an upgraded Sinia AA, to debuff for more. No reason to let it stagnate and would be an aa you can buy if you want or not as you choose. I use that aa to pull all the time, so to debuff more would be welcome, to make it resist less would be a welcome upgrade also. Needed? No but as we all know we get aa's we don't use, this one would be used and be an easy upgrade just increase the amount debuffed and decrease it's resist rate a bit. Useful, and not fluff for the group game, and we should never forget the group game.

Yes I know this is the spell thread but as it was mentioned I thought I would also.

Since they can't make the AA work yet to make the AA rods give more mana to mages only, make a new AA that is mage only rod, and let us make that, and use the other for MGB for a raid.

Now that I mentioned rods, and this is the spell section, either lose the spell for rods, or make it on a different timer and up the amount of mana it gives back. It is never mem'd nor used the state it is in now. I would favor a different timer and make it give 1500 mana back (the more the better). It would be used, and while not overly powerful it would have a use. Such a waste the state it is in now.

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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Sillaen »

Calebe wrote:I for one would welcome an upgraded Sinia AA, to debuff for more. No reason to let it stagnate and would be an aa you can buy if you want or not as you choose. I use that aa to pull all the time, so to debuff more would be welcome, to make it resist less would be a welcome upgrade also. Needed? No but as we all know we get aa's we don't use, this one would be used and be an easy upgrade just increase the amount debuffed and decrease it's resist rate a bit. Useful, and not fluff for the group game, and we should never forget the group game.
I guess it couldn't hurt. I use it to pull too and I've never had it resisted on a group mob before. On raids, the shamans handle this.
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Re: New Spells for Next Expansion:

Post by Savil »

An upgrade to the debuff AA mages get should be upgraded every single exp IMHO. It seems like a no brainer really, and would make all mages happy if it was done as the extra it should be and not used as an excuse to not give us something else.

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