Malleria wrote:Not sure if it affected every rank or not, but at least rank 5 gives the fire pet an additional big nuke every so often (I wanna say every 5 or 6 sec, but haven't really timed it). You'll see in your pet damage window something like 6k... 6k... 15k... 6k... 6k... 15k... Still no where near the benefit of a melee pet, but at least they get some bonus now.
This is to get calebe going
Didn't Koz tell us this was simply impossible when the suggestion was made shortly after the fire pets got "FIXED"?
Said no way that FBO could be made to increase fire pet DPS iirc...
In Koz's defense I guess you can say, they also told us they could not possibly do twincast rag servants back in SoD. in HoT beta we were told they could do it, but it will be too much work to do it. Not that I am particularly defending him, just showing the devs can be hit or miss or re-neg on things.
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others."—Douglas Adams
Many things stated as "cannot possibly be done" really are missing some additional words like "without a code change," "right now because we got other priorities," "because we think doing that totally will cause a firestorm from the other classes," "because it is unbalancing," "because we said so," "unless the dev team changes and the new members have different opinions," "unless someone else besides Savil asks," "unless you all buy me unlimited drinks at the next fan faire." And sometimes it might be all of those at once! *snicker*
It is all coding, so there isn't really a lot that can't be done, but as said they don't have the resources any longer to put into making those changes work. It is very old code, and while Sklug has done a great job in patching it up and making it a lot more flexible and workable, the time sink is probably the huge holdup and priorities are more pressing I am sure in global rather then specialized. Better to help the overall gam then just one class.
As shown though with all the pet changes made for /pet hold he will devote time to classes but that is one area where we can point to for a lost opportunities. Koz and his /pet hold was never suppose to work as it did. The changes he pushed for and got really were not needed and took time away that could have been used to make twin cast coding changes to work on RS pets or other issues as in swap pet or suspend 2 pets and have one out. That still bothers me to this day his revisionist history on what pet hold was, and his saynig it was never suppose to work the way it did. Amazing how it was perfectly fine for years and was so simple. Issue a /pet hold and the pet stopped attacking and returned and never attacked another mob till you told it to, just add in a /pet back off and we had it all covered. The only issue was you need to hit the /pet hold key when you zoned. Not really an issue for any mage paying attention, and instead he went on his crusade .... end result, lost opportunity for something meaningful to have been added, as that was all code changes.
Not familiar with when pet hold came in and such. But if it needed to be hit when you zoned, would that have also included un-suspending your pet like when you pre-buffed it? Because that I could see being a pain during raids and such on multiple mob events with AEs.
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others."—Douglas Adams
If you unsuspended a pet. Pet hold would have been off. Simple to press the button as soon as pet unsuspended. The only thing asked for was to make pet hold persistant through zoning and if unsuspending. What we actually got was a huge over haul and it took fixing to get back what was so simple. /pet hold pet stops and returns to you. Koz said oh no, you hit pet hold and the pet was not suppose to stop and return but kill the mob it was on and then return.
We were like no, it mean what it says. Pet hold. Not later. Hold now as soon as I press the button. We all put in a /pet back off also, but an aoe would not cause the pet to engage untill the pet was told to attack aagin. He had it changed to fit what he wanted and tried to convince all we were wrong since Luclin went live and /pet hold entered the game that it was not suppose to do what it always did.
Anyway that is revisionist history from Koz. He wasn't even playing when pet hold went in, and he tried to tell us how it was suppose to work, not as it did work. Yes it ticked a lot of us off.
What I miss most from the old Mage boards are the 37 page Calebe vs Kozvar rants.
I used to read them to my kids at night and it used to make them LMAO so hard they would stay in the house on the weekends instead of running the streets and getting in trouble -- They were teenagers at the time.
Now in their 20's and planning to start a family in the next few years, my daughters wanted to revive the Friday night Calebe vs Koz family tradition for their own kids.
Only got a couple of paragraphs from this instigation, but I will try again in the future whenever the opportunity arises
Last edited by qibrme on Thu May 19, 2011 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I was playing when that went into the game. It was excellent, you hit the button and the pet stopped came back and just sat there until you told it to do something else. It did not automatically clear the hate list for the pet so if you released it it would go back to what it was attacking if you did not issue a /pet back off.
Hence why everyone made a hotkey that had pet cold and then pet back off commands. Seems irritating to me that that would ever be considered anything but working as intended because it was that way for many years.
I don't recall any complaints from any solo/group magicians about that or raiders either.