Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by pandax »

Malleria wrote:
pandax wrote:The only people dogging the posts to see if something new is posted are the ones who are frequent visitors. People who are already drawn in and not seeking information. And seek another community? What other magician communties? If things keep going the way they are?? This site has been around for almost 10 years now with the politics section.
Typically the people who are providing that information yes. You think thats a bad thing?

Why do you need a magician community to talk about politics? [read: flame each other senselessly]
Like we said before, no one is forcing you to read the posts. It's an interesting crew and believe it or not, we actually mostly like each other, lol. Cept for that Rem guy, he's just a pervert. I think at some time or anouther we've all expressed the desire to go out and have a beer with one another.

The politics section has been there for 10 years and has drawn in mages, past and present, for its entire time span.

If you don't like them, don't read them. There aren't a ton of posts nowadays anyhow so it really isn't THAT much to sift through. An extra 10 seconds of your life? Oh no!!

Oh, and many of the people active in the politics section have contributed a LOT to the rest of the board over the years.... well on the old board at least, hehe.
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by wire »

pandax wrote:I like how you are demanding that the volunteer moderators do things where there is a mild inconvenience at best.
I like how you are demanding that the volunteer contributors succumb to the constant onslaught of completely irrelevant information. I'm 100% certain we could find equally skilled moderators to volunteer on a mage information site that actually featured mage information.

I'm not trying to blow this out of proportion. It's an annoyance. It's not minor. It's constantly in your face any time you come to this board. Just seeing all the politics topics makes me want to not click on new posts. There are one-time solutions that will not affect the politics contributors in any way, and require no moderator activity whatsoever.

Tell me what politics has to do with everquest magician information, other than a feeling of entitlement on a completely different message board, years later?
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by najiwench »

Malleria wrote: Why do you need a magician community to talk about politics? [read: flame each other senselessly]
That's just the way it evolved. Started out that each of us came here back in the day for either Mage info or to dispute info on some other class (I was a Necro when I played EQ, quit and went to EQ 2 when it came out, but I liked the boards here, became accustomed to the people, built relationships and so on as people tend to do in online communities)

Politics was just a side option, but as more and more people came and went, and more and more people moved on to other games or quit playing games altogether, we still came for the off topic discussion that typcally was political in nature. It's like everyone meeting each other at a sport's bar, but even after football season is over, you still meet up on Sunday afternoons because you know the crowd, like to bounce things off each other, like to smurf with them, and you have history.

If the bar you've been visiting for 10 years (has it really been that long???) suddenly said "if you aren't here to drink beer and watch football, then we don't want you", when you quit watching the game 7 years ago, how would you feel?
Siggy by Eireann
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by pandax »

wire wrote:I like how you are demanding that the volunteer contributors succumb to the constant onslaught of completely irrelevant information. I'm 100% certain we could find equally skilled moderators to volunteer on a mage information site that actually featured mage information.

I'm not trying to blow this out of proportion. It's an annoyance. It's not minor. It's constantly in your face any time you come to this board. Just seeing all the politics topics makes me want to not click on new posts. There are one-time solutions that will not affect the politics contributors in any way, and require no moderator activity whatsoever.

Tell me what politics has to do with everquest magician information, other than a feeling of entitlement on a completely different message board, years later?
LOL, you say that like the people posting in the politics section don't contribute to other sections of the site.

Without the politics section to drive a large portion of the board's population to keep on returning, this board would have died long ago. Some of the most frequent contributers on the mage stuff is here.

I'm sorry that you think "politics" as a whole offends you so much, LOL. Seriously. Edit: PERSONAL ATTACK! It's that freaking simple! And there hasn't been a post in the poltics section in over a day. Many more posts on the main site. But seriously,Edit: PERSONAL ATTACK! EDIT Board mods write...take a pill and quit calling names..the guy is just stating his opinion
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by wire »

pandax wrote:
wire wrote:I like how you are demanding that the volunteer contributors succumb to the constant onslaught of completely irrelevant information. I'm 100% certain we could find equally skilled moderators to volunteer on a mage information site that actually featured mage information.

I'm not trying to blow this out of proportion. It's an annoyance. It's not minor. It's constantly in your face any time you come to this board. Just seeing all the politics topics makes me want to not click on new posts. There are one-time solutions that will not affect the politics contributors in any way, and require no moderator activity whatsoever.

Tell me what politics has to do with everquest magician information, other than a feeling of entitlement on a completely different message board, years later?
LOL, you say that like the people posting in the politics section don't contribute to other sections of the site.

Without the politics section to drive a large portion of the board's population to keep on returning, this board would have died long ago. Some of the most frequent contributers on the mage stuff is here.

I'm sorry that you think "politics" as a whole offends you so much, LOL. Seriously. Edit: PERSONAL ATTACK! It's that freaking simple! And there hasn't been a post in the poltics section in over a day. Many more posts on the main site. But seriously,Edit: PERSONAL ATTACK! EDIT Board mods write...take a pill and quit calling names..the guy is just stating his opinion
I never said that ALL the political contributors didn't contribute to the magician community, but if they do they are clearly the minority.

Without the vast amount of political traffic generated by the old site, it would not have needed as much support.

Wow, no posts in a whole day! You're joking right? The total posts in politics is the largest amount of content on this site:

Code: Select all

Posts  Forum

 1862  Politics

 1941  Total Non-Politics

  769  General
  107  Library
   18  User Interface
   38  Off Topic
   59  Class Balance
  133  Underfoot
  139  Pets
  194  Spells
  119  Alternate Advancement
   38  Quests
   26  Epic 1.0, 2.0 and 2.5
   20  Funny Stuff
   24  Other Games
   10  PvP Forums
    6  Levels 1 - 50
    7  Levels 51 - 60
    3  Levels 61 - 70
   40  Levels 71 - 80
   96  Levels 81 - 85
   95  Life After Leveling
As for the rest of your "posts" on this topic, I've done nothing except provide reasoned arguments for the expansion of relevant magician information and offer solutions to a 2-community message board that will leave no party worse off than they are right now. All you've done is offer personal attacks and useless, exaggerated generalizations in an attempt to trivialize this topic.
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by wire »

Do you use email? Do you enjoy spam messages in your inbox? How would you like it if your email address was subscribed to multiple junk mail lists with mailings each day?

If you want to argue that you enjoy sifting through irrelevant email, or that you have not and never will use any type of junk email filter, or that your email server doesn't employ this technology, go ahead. No one will buy it.

That's basically all we're asking for. It is in no way unreasonable. It can be accomplished in about 30 seconds by setting up a new user group without access to the Politics section.
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by Danille »

If there is an option to do what you request, I am sure it is under consideration and will be implemented if reasonably possible.

That being said....

The core purpose of this board is to provide information for EQ Magicians. As boards mature, and online relationships develop, content of the off topic forums typically increase. Providing various forums to discuss issues that are enjoyable or interesting to a large segment of the community is a good thing.
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by Malleria »

najiwench wrote:
Malleria wrote: Why do you need a magician community to talk about politics? [read: flame each other senselessly]
That's just the way it evolved. Started out that each of us came here back in the day for either Mage info or to dispute info on some other class (I was a Necro when I played EQ, quit and went to EQ 2 when it came out, but I liked the boards here, became accustomed to the people, built relationships and so on as people tend to do in online communities)

Politics was just a side option, but as more and more people came and went, and more and more people moved on to other games or quit playing games altogether, we still came for the off topic discussion that typcally was political in nature. It's like everyone meeting each other at a sport's bar, but even after football season is over, you still meet up on Sunday afternoons because you know the crowd, like to bounce things off each other, like to smurf with them, and you have history.

If the bar you've been visiting for 10 years (has it really been that long???) suddenly said "if you aren't here to drink beer and watch football, then we don't want you", when you quit watching the game 7 years ago, how would you feel?
Well, no, not what I meant. The post I was answering inferred politics could only be discussed on a magician community site, and hence this being the only magician community site, another forum was not available. My question was why does it have to be a magician community site specifically? Do mages have more political insight than shadowknights? ;)
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by pandax »

That averages to 10 posts per day. In the past 24 hours, there have been exactly 2 posts in the politics section.

If I only got 10 spam e-mails a day on my public e-mail account, I'd be a happy person, especially when you take into account that you don't even have to think about which ones are the ones you don't want! It clearly says "politics" on them.

And as to blaming the politics section for "breaking" the last board, that's complete bull. The issue was entirely with the board owner and his reluctance to give up control with how things worked. Many people had volunteered to help or take over.

As for your stance and why I have responded to you the way I have I must refer you to one of my heroes.

Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Please filter "new posts" by board section and topic

Post by wire »

pandax wrote:And as to blaming the politics section for "breaking" the last board, that's complete bull. The issue was entirely with the board owner and his reluctance to give up control with how things worked. Many people had volunteered to help or take over.

As for your stance and why I have responded to you the way I have I must refer you to one of my heroes.

Thomas Jefferson
Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions
Who's blaming the politics sections for "breaking" the last board? You? I said that extra traffic resulted in extra support. I am well aware of why the last board eventually shut down.

What exactly is unintelligible about requesting a widely available feature for several members that have voiced that they would benefit from said feature? The idea has been presented, reasons have been provided and available solutions have been offered. Your argument of "No, you can't have that because I don't mind the situation as is, changing things won't affect me in any way, and I don't like you!" seems somewhat more "unintelligible" than that.

Maybe we need more than 2 posts per day, so the flaming stays in the politics section alone...
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