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Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:04 am
by Merlaina
Eanelder wrote:Im just gonna throw this idea out there since I got a bunch of people crawling up my ass because of the pet fade idea.

We need some way to filter out what the community thinks is crap. So when posting either post specific details and intended out comes and if we see something we think is stupid we need a way to discuss it before it has a chance to reach a dev.

Also READ THE WHOLE smurf THREAD! Dont let smurf slip by or STFU afterwards.
I didn't realize anyone inside the mage community was upset with the pet fade. I know other classes weren't overly happy about us getting it (wizards and beasts in particular), but the feedback I've seen from mages has been overwhelmingly positive, at least in its current state. I know the original intent was for it to just fade the pet and not the mage, but if we ask for an inch and the devs give a yard I have no objection.

Also I was reading the chanter boards a while back ( and they had a good idea of rating the suggested AAs from 1 to 10, 1 being the least desirable, 10 being the most, so the devs would have a better idea of which of the suggested AAs were more desired. I'll go back and edit my previous post with my ratings for those, and I suggest others do the same going forward.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:38 am
by Eanelder
Right off the bat im going to suggest a change to the fade we currently have. Flame away if you must.

Separate the mage and pet fade into 2 seperate aas on 2 different timers:

- Pet gets his own pet fade, with the original timer (2.5 min). 1 Second cast. Increased Range.
- Mage gets his own fade on the current timer (7.5 min). Instant cast, doesnt require pet,

Pet fade becomes archetype. That way any pet class with a fade / fd can aslo save their pets. This is largely for the bsts who are currently complaining about it being a problem. And mages get a sure fire butt saver instead of the hit and miss one it currently is. Also we can pet fade for a multitude of reasons on a much quicker recast. (YES there are reasons you will want to do this)

Dont get me wrong I do like the one we have now, and think its totally workable, I just think 2 aas would accomplish the same thing, for just a minor increased AA cost.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:55 am
by Falino-Luclin
New ranks of elemental form AAs to bring their effects out of the stone age. Tweak/change the effects or air and fire elemental form to make them more useful.

More pet defensive/offensive AAs are always good. Maybe give pets an AA similar to Veteran's Wrath (I think that's the name, the AA that makes melee crits do more damage). Also, pet Twinproc and Weapon Affinity.

Pet swap (hey, a man can dream)

Rumbling Servant (or whatever the new servant is assuming we get level 90 and a new servant spell) AA that casts a mana free version of the spell.

If we get a new servant, equivalents of the hastened/extended servant for that spell.

More ranks of Twincast AA

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:22 pm
by Merlaina
Falino-Luclin wrote:
Rumbling Servant (or whatever the new servant is assuming we get level 90 and a new servant spell) AA that casts a mana free version of the spell.
Oh, and can we have the moon too please? Seriously, while I would love a mana free RS, that's just waaaay too overpowered. Unless it has like an hour reuse or something.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:43 pm
by sharrien
Eanelder wrote: We need some way to filter out what the community thinks is crap. So when posting either post specific details and intended out comes and if we see something we think is stupid we need a way to discuss it before it has a chance to reach a dev.

Also READ THE WHOLE smurf THREAD! Dont let smurf slip by or STFU afterwards.
Going to second this motion. I also play a beast and our community sent what was basically an unfiltered list of brainstormed ideas as Elidroth. Everything that was mentioned went on the list without ranking or debate. That's how beastlords ended up with increased ranks of safefall and have no one to blame but ourselves.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:04 pm
by svenalo
It needs to be done in a coordinated manner, then. And the first thing to do is just let people brainstorm ideas to get stuff out there WITHOUT people nitpicking at those ideas. After a set time period, then a master list of all the ideas is compiled, the idea thread is closed, and that master list is put in at the start of a debate thread. Then again after some period of time that gets closed and the final ranked outcome produced. And if not this style of coordination, then something else but sill coordinated...without coordination all we will have is a chaotic mess which no one will be able to decipher.

And to to person that wants to change fade splitting it into two AA's, NO. Leave it alone.Changing stuff we already have, and by then will have gotten used to for half to three quarters of a year, always causes trouble and seldom is accomplished without major problems occurring.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:30 pm
by Falino-Luclin
Merlaina wrote:
Falino-Luclin wrote:
Rumbling Servant (or whatever the new servant is assuming we get level 90 and a new servant spell) AA that casts a mana free version of the spell.
Oh, and can we have the moon too please? Seriously, while I would love a mana free RS, that's just waaaay too overpowered. Unless it has like an hour reuse or something.
Well obviously I wasn't suggesting that it would have the same recast as the normal spell, but I really don't think that a recast timer of 10-15 minutes would be overpowered in any way.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:28 pm
by deadman1204
I really like making our elemental forms useful

Elemental forms
*Water = rk4-6 adds 25/30/40 mana per tick
*Air = rk4-6 adds 100/150/200 resists and increases movement by 5/10/15%
*Earth = rk4-6 Increase hp by 1000/2000/3000 and mitigates 5/10/15% of melee damage
*Fire = rk4-6 increase twincast rate by 1/2/3%

Plus support AAs to them like
* elemental speed - adds 5% movement per rank (stacks with run speed) when in a elemental form
* elemental durability - adds 5% mitigation per rank while in elemental form

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:38 pm
by nako
+1 Pet Swap
+1 Elemental forms useful again
+1 Mana regen (improve thuamtize, self only rod, water illusion, whatever)
+1 Upgrade useful stuff (pet crit/flurry/defensives, spell crits, twincast, etc)
+1 Swarm pet redirect/agro
+1 Some way to help control push (we can't do squat about push atm, the only thing that helps a little is host, but more often becomes part of the problem rather the solution)

If they do consider some sort of indoor runspeed buff for pet, I wouldn't buy it unless we're able to click it off somehow (ie not innate). 90% of the time my group gets to a camp the first thing I do is click off runspeed on pet. It causes it to overshoot when you punt to backside of mob for rogue'ing (or even when you have pet guarding so it'll run up to rogue), and pet ends up on the wrong side again, annoying as hell.

CoH is fine as it is, imo. Any upgrades we get will almost certainly be considered overpowered or will just cause our workload to go up massively. Not to mention they would require smurftons of code time that I doubt we would get in the first place.. and I would rather see it going to something more useful (pet swap, mana regen, swarm pet redirect).

And for the love of christ, give us a clicky belt/bandolier... this is one of the few things that the entire playerbase would love to see, make it so.


Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:01 am
by Voragath
I like the mana free RS pet. It makes a NICE workaround to the twincast issue. Anyway to tie this into twincast, like, say, an aa that procs the new RS pet when twincast is cast? Otherwise, having it on a five minute timer is no different than if twincast were fixed to make RS work since the rank 3 version is on a five minute timer.