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Re: Elemental form: Fire not stacking with Chaotic Benevolen

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 8:24 am
by Falore
Chanter MR aura is exceptionally powerful as far as auras go, I don't feel it's worth giving up MR aura under any circumstance personally. The only exception to this being pre-nerf Reluctant benevolence. But currently it is just so much more powerful than any other trigger on cast abilities available to us that even swapping it out for a different 2nd chanter aura so that we can use one of our elemental forms would be a downgrade imo.

I pretty much always use Water form for my mages, though I did dabble with trying out the earth elemental form when going against a couple of the harder named mobs in Chelsith on my own without a chanter. If they ever change the code so that it's possible to utilize multiple trigger on cast effects then these aa's will turn out to be exceptionally powerful. In fact for about 30 minutes when i first saw the new aa's we got on beta I was thinking "jackpot" It didn't take long though to realize how very little we got though considering that a lot of these abilities dont stack.

The mana regen on the water form is kind of weak and honestly I felt it should have been double, maybe triple what she gave us but at least it's a self buff we can use without it interferring with any other ADPS from other classes.

Side note: I also kind of felt our new elemental ward aa was a disappointing middle finger to us, It's essentially just a slightly better stone core on its own timer, a far cry from the "embalmers carapace that necros have, and t hat wizards were given in tier 3. We really got shafted on that.
Our mana reserve AA is also depressingly lacking, I'm actually ok with it only being usable while under 20 percent mana, but the amount of mana it gives back is less than the two quiet miracle aa's clerics get despite the fact that it is on a slower re-use timer and self only.

I'm glad I play more than just a mage because Tier 3 was a huge step backwards for the class (not just because of the aa's but a combo of various nerfs, stagnation, and stacking issues)