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Re: New mage aura problem

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:05 pm
by Malleria
Glaven wrote:Wow, so we're down to one marginally useful spell now? Has anything changed with the others to make them worth using (the DS or the heal recourse)?
I noticed everytime I cast Chaotic Boon it was dispelled whenever Mana Reiterate Aura ticked over, making it unusable with a chanter in the group. /shrug, progress in either direction is progress I suppose :?

Re: New mage aura problem

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:50 pm
by wire
Malleria wrote:
Glaven wrote:Wow, so we're down to one marginally useful spell now? Has anything changed with the others to make them worth using (the DS or the heal recourse)?
I noticed everytime I cast Chaotic Boon it was dispelled whenever Mana Reiterate Aura ticked over, making it unusable with a chanter in the group. /shrug, progress in either direction is progress I suppose :?
Ya, they both add spell procs so probably don't stack well. We could ask for the slot of the proc effect to be changed. That might let two 100% chance effects fire together, but I am not sure.

No one asked for the functional change to Arcane Distillect. It just happened randomly near the end of beta. When I saw the changes, I tested all the new interactions. It's self only, has about 50 range and doesn't work in conjunction with Rathe's Strength. I know the majority of Mages would not trade the loss of range for the aura management utility, so we did request this to be fixed on beta well before the Live release. So far the self-only change isn't retroactive to Rathe's Strength, so you have the option of a pet-centric aura with low effect vs. a mage-centered aura with a higher effect. However, if you move groups or run into another mage with a different type of aura up, your auras both get bugged, like what usually happened with Rathe's Strength on raids.

Secondary to the change in aura ownership between pet & mage is the nerf to raid vs. group utility. Historically, our pet auras have hit all other surrounding pets (many in a raid). They changed it to group only on Live before the end of Beta. I didn't notice it on Live earlier, but I'm sure the change happend a while back ~ though I'm pretty sure that in the middle of Beta it was still working on swarm pets out of group. That change was ninja'd in without telling anyone. So, this will affect group makeup on raids and directly reduce raid dps overall. This change is retroactive to Rathe's Strength.

Finally, I have been using the new version on Live going through all the progression missions and I *almost* prefer the change, because it makes managing the effect so much easier. I know that there's a LOT of content that it would be very detrimental on. Ultimately I'd like it to stay how it is, but have the range of the aura increased - I'm pretty sure that's doable on a per-aura basis, but I could be wrong.

Re: New mage aura problem

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:09 pm
by talerenbloodsong
Speaking about increasing the range on individual auras, my main class before I started playing my mage a few months ago was as a raid bard. Bards have been trying to get our range on our auras increased from 60' for a long period of time. We've been told that the developers would look into bard aura range (specifically this issue arose with the chorus like aura and how casters don't stay within aura range of most meleeing bards). We were told the concern is the potential for agro or lag spikes by increasing the range on the aura. We were told months and months ago (well before beta) that the developers would potentially look into increasing bard aura range after they ran some internal testing.

Nothing still has come of this, so I wouldn't hold your breath on the developers increasing the range on any Aura.

Re: New mage aura problem

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:14 pm
by Glaven
The benefit of Rathe's was always the greatest in a raid situation when it could affect so many pets at once, and the aura came from the pet where all the melee action was happening. Between the change to a group effect and recentering it around the caster who is likely to be >50 away, it really kind of sucks the life out of the line imo.

I guess it will still be somewhat useful in a group/solo situation given our growing reliance/use of RxS.

Re: New mage aura problem

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:20 am
by Vaelil
This issue I have with the aura being center on the mage extends the range issue. I have a few clickie aura's that I like to use during raid events like circle of mana and the icefall quested auras. If I use the new aura I can't use my clickies anymore and it makes me sad. I have thought about blocking the new aura on my pet if I use it. It would allow some pets to get the 15% when in range but not leave them emptied handed when not in range. I haven't tested it out yet, but hopefully it works as I'm expecting.

After reading this thread and noticing my thread was removed on the SoE forums I don't see the aura being changed.

Re: New mage aura problem

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:11 am
by Elentarri
icefall auras?

Re: New mage aura problem

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:56 am
by Vaelil
theres two quests in icefall you can do for "aura clickies" one increased spell dmg and the other adds a melee proc for about 211, but it doesnt seem to hit my pet. I havent noticed any significant effects from these but if they effect everyone in a raid it could be helpful.