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Re: What heppened to the old Magicia's Tower?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:20 pm
by Calebe
Whoever started the new board is immaterial at the moment. I do appreciate it and thank him or her or maybe them a lot. The important thing is to make the board active, viable, and a place of information if for no other reason patches, concerns, and upcoming expansion. A central location for people to meet, discuss and voice opinions about the class.

Here is my issue unless Koz comes to this board, acknowledges it, and says he will take our suggestions to the devs it is all for naught. It won't mean a thing if idea's presented here are ignored and the only input comes from the serverwide channel and a private PM. There is no open discussions in a PM, and in serverwide channel you sign on and miss everything that went on before you arrived. Some like me don't even join it. So where do people hear of our suggestions? We need a board, and this is it now.

Koz if he cares about the community needs to join it and be vocal and talk here, if he doesn't then as far as I am concerned he will take his own agenda (which he has said and I applaud him for saying, he would never do), and push for it.

Sorry but if he knows of this board and he does, and visits it as I think he is but as a guest, he needs to stop being a guest and take an active roll to start discussions on AA's he has proposed and those we have. We need open and honest dialog, and not secrets, and well you can PM me BS. That gets nothing accomplished as it is 2 voices, and not the many that have led to all the improvements in the past.

Don't think for a minute it is all one person who gets changes done. It is the community. A class rep that has the backing of a lot of people has more sway then an isolated rep with no active feedback.

We won the battle of being a rod whore. we won the battle for newer pets. We won the battle for pet heals and powerful nukes. We lost on pet canni, GPP, and a host of others. The thing is we won a lot as the community held together and we all posted on a single board and the devs visited it and talked to us at times. Without Koz supporting this, that goes away and we all lose.

If he wants to be the class rep for us he has to legitimize the board by visiting it, the only other way is for some dev to post here, and that would mean they know of it, and will look at it. Without one or the other or both, we are spinning our wheels and Koz has to know that, and I hope he isn't playing a game to push an agenda he likes but the rest may or may not. Hell we have no idea. Silence tells us nothing.


Re: What heppened to the old Magicia's Tower?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:11 am
by zinophate
Hmmm....I wonder if...

Koz = EQ Mage Tower

Dont mean to start any rumors or anything..

Re: What heppened to the old Magicia's Tower?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:00 am
by svenalo
Koz posted on the EQ forums that he is trying to get the old data from the old site. Here is the thread there: ... _id=153058