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Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:43 am
by Conjurous
We gotta push for pet focus's to be put on a visible slot for next expansion.

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:28 am
by Voragath
We have been. If I see the item dev today, I'll poke them about it. No guarantees of course. Also, all 3 pet classes are behind this so maybe we'll get lucky for a change.

If they haven't done it already, that is.

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:39 am
by Danille
We are all rallying around this request!

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:59 am
by svenalo
It should be on the gloves or wrist slot for us. Arms is fire, head is magic, robe is RS extender, legs and feet are spell haste... The problem is they like to have it on the same slot for all the classes, but bst and nec have stuff on gloves (cold) and wrist (disease and poison) ready...and as far as I know you can't have 2 focus effects on one item. So I am not sure how they are going to be able to do it. They could do it for us, yes, but not for all three classes unless they are willing to give up one of their other focus effects to have it.

If it comes to giving something up, bene haste off the foot slot is about all I would be willing to swap out as we can get that on a variety of non-visibles. But I don't like giving up anything especially when we have 3 slots with zip on them (however from the POV of the other classes, that is probably the one to go with if it came to that). And changing the location of a focus effect is always a big problem because depending on what one it is people get into a jam because giving up some of them to go with a tad more mana/hp/whatever is just not a good option...that is why some years back we pushed for standardization of what was on what slot, and we definitely do not want to lose that.

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:59 am
by Shardin
I think it should be on the mag glove armor/visible. Simply because mages ARE THE pet class and it should be easier for us to get. The rational behind this is the same as the rational of other classes getting a focus on their gloves whereas mages do not.

They can continue to put it on earrings for all the pet classes. In addition, I think there should be a type 3 unlocked as you conquer the final raid zone like they had in SoD. This way we would have three different avenues to get a pet focus. 1. glove visible for mages, 2. earring for all pet classes, and 3. type 3 (unlocked based on progression) for all pet classes

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:58 pm
by Sillaen
After almost 6 months of weekly farming Roots of Evil and 2+ months farming Terror in the Dark, we have a grand total of 4 EM11 earrings. We picked one up on our run this past Sunday which jumped the drop rate from 9% ish to around 12% ish.

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:47 am
by Voragath
The heal focus is arms for Cleric and Shm but Feet for Dru. I'm pretty sure they can work the same thing for mag/nec/bst.

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:13 am
by svenalo
I'm sure they "can" too...the question is "will they." The issue will come down to we have a space on our visibles to put it and the other two classes do not (unless I missed something). Personally I think it that is a nonissue as would most mages - there is no reason mages can't be given something extra (lord knows we've taken it on the chin enough to warrant something nice as an extra), but predicting what the devs will think/do/etc is quite another story. Doesn't hurt to ask...but I won't hold my breath.

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:33 am
by Tweelis
My big question is, why change it from an earring to some other slot? Is there some benefit to doing this that I'm just not seeing?

Re: EM11+ drop rates

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:02 pm
by Conjurous
svenalo wrote:I'm sure they "can" too...the question is "will they." The issue will come down to we have a space on our visibles to put it and the other two classes do not (unless I missed something). Personally I think it that is a nonissue as would most mages - there is no reason mages can't be given something extra (lord knows we've taken it on the chin enough to warrant something nice as an extra), but predicting what the devs will think/do/etc is quite another story. Doesn't hurt to ask...but I won't hold my breath.
Necro have gloves free also but bst don't, they have arms or helm free.