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Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:19 pm
by Baramos
I agree that Mages need a focused coherent voice during beta. Friendly disagreements are one thing, but In-fighting publicly during beta just makes us look fractionated, and unsure. With no coherent, cohesive voice you end up in the Beastlord boat.

And you are right, I think. We cannot ask for 25 things. An agreement on a few priority expectations, and an addendum of nice-to-haves is the proper way to present in Beta. That is assuming that we have a beta where we get feedback, which was sorely missing for UF.

There is plenty of time before the next beta to brainstorm. Someone should step forward and lead the discussion, and be a point-man in beta. Not to say the rest of us should "keep quiet" but it is best, and important strategically, to be mostly speaking the same language.

I like a lot of the ideas I have seen presented.

Our main thrust - our number 1 priority - should always be a Fat Beefy Pet. That is our line in the sand, and one we have to defend vigorously particularly now with the recent omg's in the ether.

The Pet. The Pet. The Pet.

The priority of all the rest is fodder for discussion.


Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:40 pm
by svenalo
Egad NO on the reclaim pet one - any other way for mana but that!

And I agree our pet should be the primary focus, but mana regen would come screaming in a close second.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:42 am
by Redius
svenalo wrote:Egad NO on the reclaim pet one - any other way for mana but that!

And I agree our pet should be the primary focus, but mana regen would come screaming in a close second.
I agree with pet then mana...I just would point this out on the reclaim the pet mana front; nothing would stop you from suspending pet, creating new pet, eating new pet for massive mana, then un-suspending other pet. Sure, would take 12ish seconds, and that's time lost from DPS'ing, but still...i'd gladly give up 12 seconds of damage if it meant that I got 5k mana in return.

(I also hope they don't go that direction with it, however, it IS a method that we've used in the past to get mana back into the hands of mages, so the Devs might be more inclined to give it to us. We don't seem to have had much luck with "super mod rods" so that really only leaves reclaiming pets, or a useful water form. Or something new.)

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:17 am
by Malleria
Monster Summoning Illusion - for the love of god, this would not be difficult and adds no power to the class

Targetted Summoning - way overdue. No reason we shouldn't get this (think project illusion)

Mana Regen/More DPS - self explanatory. Mana is a big issue after they forced us to chain gargoyles to even be competitive. We're gonna be left in the dust towards the end of underfoot dps wise, especially with the stupid leaps and bounds rogues have made lately.

PS: since it was mentioned, I, a mage, am not happy with our fade. Both the implementation and the simple fact we got it. It's not even working as advertised atm, offering only a 90% chance to fade for both the mage and the pet seperately, after Elidroth outright told us it was a 100% chance. Horrible incompetence or spite, you decide.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:35 am
by svenalo
Redius wrote:
svenalo wrote:Egad NO on the reclaim pet one - any other way for mana but that!

And I agree our pet should be the primary focus, but mana regen would come screaming in a close second.
I agree with pet then mana...I just would point this out on the reclaim the pet mana front; nothing would stop you from suspending pet, creating new pet, eating new pet for massive mana, then un-suspending other pet. Sure, would take 12ish seconds, and that's time lost from DPS'ing, but still...i'd gladly give up 12 seconds of damage if it meant that I got 5k mana in return.

(I also hope they don't go that direction with it, however, it IS a method that we've used in the past to get mana back into the hands of mages, so the Devs might be more inclined to give it to us. We don't seem to have had much luck with "super mod rods" so that really only leaves reclaiming pets, or a useful water form. Or something new.)
I would not even suggest the pet reclaim, however, and having to use it as you suggest because then it makes all the pet swap idea totally moot, makes having a pet buffed and ready as a backup unusable if you were to only have this route to mana, etc. Basically it is a horrible way to do it, and requesting a horrible way is a sure way to get shot in the foot.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:48 am
by Redius
svenalo wrote:
Redius wrote:
svenalo wrote:Egad NO on the reclaim pet one - any other way for mana but that!

And I agree our pet should be the primary focus, but mana regen would come screaming in a close second.
I agree with pet then mana...I just would point this out on the reclaim the pet mana front; nothing would stop you from suspending pet, creating new pet, eating new pet for massive mana, then un-suspending other pet. Sure, would take 12ish seconds, and that's time lost from DPS'ing, but still...i'd gladly give up 12 seconds of damage if it meant that I got 5k mana in return.

(I also hope they don't go that direction with it, however, it IS a method that we've used in the past to get mana back into the hands of mages, so the Devs might be more inclined to give it to us. We don't seem to have had much luck with "super mod rods" so that really only leaves reclaiming pets, or a useful water form. Or something new.)
I would not even suggest the pet reclaim, however, and having to use it as you suggest because then it makes all the pet swap idea totally moot, makes having a pet buffed and ready as a backup unusable if you were to only have this route to mana, etc. Basically it is a horrible way to do it, and requesting a horrible way is a sure way to get shot in the foot.
Let me pose the question to you thusly; would you rather have the reclaim option or no mana regen option? I will agree, the reclaim idea is the LAST idea we should breach about it, but it's better than nothing. And pet swap is something that the devs have turned down (for coding reasons iirc) over and over again. If we broach the idea of pet swap and the Devs say we can have it this time around, then sure, forget reclaiming pets for mana; BUT if devs say no to pet swap (again), then we'd be remiss to completely ignore the reclaim avenue. Lets not forget, the more options and creative suggestions we give to the devs about how to achieve the specific goal of mana regen, the more likely we'll find a way they want to give to us, regardless if its our first, second, or even third choice.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:53 am
by Redius
Also, it would be kinda cool if we could get that targeted gravity-well spell they had in UF beta back for the next expac (can't remember the name of it off the top of my head)

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:08 am
by sharrien
Baramos wrote:Our main thrust - our number 1 priority - should always be a Fat Beefy Pet. That is our line in the sand, and one we have to defend vigorously particularly now with the recent omg's in the ether.

The Pet. The Pet. The Pet.

The priority of all the rest is fodder for discussion.

Agree completely. Tough pets that can tank the latest content, including names is something we need to fight to make sure we keep. Until that is assured, everything else is second priority.

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:51 am
by deadman1204
we should refocus on the pet issue - Dont make the pets big enough to be useful through AAs
The out of the box pets need to better. We would be wasting our AAs if we have to buy abilities just to make our class function. This is an issue that should be adjusted at the base level

Re: AAs for Next Expansion ideas thread

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:53 am
by Darkenr
sharrien wrote:
Baramos wrote:Our main thrust - our number 1 priority - should always be a Fat Beefy Pet. That is our line in the sand, and one we have to defend vigorously particularly now with the recent omg's in the ether.

The Pet. The Pet. The Pet.

The priority of all the rest is fodder for discussion.

Agree completely. Tough pets that can tank the latest content, including names is something we need to fight to make sure we keep. Until that is assured, everything else is second priority.
Completely 110% agree with this. TOP Priority IMHO