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Re: DPS Improvements in January

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:37 am
by Piemastaj
svenalo wrote:Yes, but as far as I know mage DPS fixes have not had a specific patch/date mentioned which is the point. In fact I don't think any mage fixes at all have been promised recently for a specific patch except that mod rod specialist thing, and that didn't make its target due to apparent code bugs outside Eli's scope of control.
The fact of the matter is, we were promised it would get fixed. Elidroth came here and said that. And, nothing has been done for it. We consistently get low balled on any type of Spell/AA we get (luls Exigent minion/servant, Strike of Many, First spire), and nothing gets done after they get told they low balled us. That is unacceptable. Now, I do realize Elidroth had a death in his family and it is a terrible thing to go through. But, he also has a job to do as well. And our issues SHOULD have been taken care of before they went on vacation in December. They SHOULD have been taken care of during the summer/VoA launch. Again, none of the above happened.

I actually PMed Elidroth and was like srsly wtf is going on with our stuff? Pallies and Necros out burst us. Yes I said Pallies (on non-undead). He gave me 'well u kno we have been on vacation for 12 days'. Because our problems just started happening in VoA..... That again is ridiculous.

That is the reality of our situation, and it is a very ugly one. Elidroth was the one developer actually 'trying' to help us. We got thrown a bone with FC increase last summer and I guess we are done. Again just ridiculous.

And no this is far from Doom and Gloom like I said to avoid in another thread. This is Reality/letting people know how things are going.

Re: DPS Improvements in January

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:18 am
by svenalo
I am sure you will all scream "soe defender", but the fact is there is no MAGE DEV, the dev's are assigned by game feature (AA, spells, TS, whatever) and the priorities of the various things they are given are NEVER related to us. So the devs we talk to give us their view of what they are going to try and sometimes in a timeframe...but what they actually get allowed to do is decided by someone else. And every class thinks their issue is the thing that SHOULD have been taken care of first, big or small, easy or hard, without question. THAT is the reality of the situation Eli faces.

Re: DPS Improvements in January

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:30 am
by Piemastaj
svenalo wrote:I am sure you will all scream "soe defender", but the fact is there is no MAGE DEV, the dev's are assigned by game feature (AA, spells, TS, whatever) and the priorities of the various things they are given are NEVER related to us. So the devs we talk to give us their view of what they are going to try and sometimes in a timeframe...but what they actually get allowed to do is decided by someone else. And every class thinks their issue is the thing that SHOULD have been taken care of first, big or small, easy or hard, without question. THAT is the reality of the situation Eli faces.
BLs were terrible in UF, they got huge increases in HoT in DPS and utility. Rogues were quite well off in HoT and still got huge increases in DPS. Necros were bad in the group game until Swift DoTs came around in HoT (also utility). Past things have been done that are very conflicting with what your saying. The fact of the matter is, they are capable (and have shown it numerous times in the past) that they will increase a hurting class. The only class that has not been increased in such a case for this long has been Magicians.

The reality is, we are being grossly neglected and its BS. We are being neglected even after a dev came here and said we are going to get taken care of. That is quite messed up.

Re: DPS Improvements in January

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:09 pm
by Savil
This is my point, PJ said it very clearly. I'm not trying to rip of the devs, and I was unaware of the dev in elidroths family... as somebody that just lost my own brother last month I can totally understand where he is coming from. That said, this has been going on for months and months.

I wanted to point out the simple facts to people to make you guys think. Don't take my word for it, do your own research on both this board and on SoE live. Remember how many times we have been told by SoE that mage DPS issues were going to be looked at in the last year alone...

Beastlords were quiting / main changing left and right before SoE got off there lazy asses and actually tried to fix the class. Now they destroy us in almost every single aspect. How bad off does the mage class need to get before people start really hamming the devs to fix it? Don't you guys understand that nothing is going to actually get done until people stop taking the same old excuses that have been working for them for the last few years??


Re: DPS Improvements in January

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:41 pm
by Shardin
I'd just be careful and make sure you ask in a positive way as opposed to sounding like a victim. Either way the devs ultimately have responsibility to do these things and we want them to do them earnestly, not because are insulting them. Remember, they don't have much of incentive to do it one way or the other, it's mostly just out of the goodness of their hearts. If you start to complain so much you will really get ignored and then lose your credibility. I think we should spend some time on the positive aspects of the changes that have taken place, and perhaps, improve on them. This may earn you enough goodwill to complain. For every complaint you have you need to have about ten compliments. Lets kill them with kindess instead of trolling. This is a new tactic that I haven't seen it used, but I bet it would work.

Nothing is perfect. Virulent Talon is good, but I could complain about that because it is ANOTHER button to click lol when I personally rather have it bundled with burnout. But that just sounds personal. What we really need to try and do is what is best for the game overall.

We got a new summon pet clicky spell.. why they did the extra work to put two different ones in? Someone would have to explain that, but at least they are trying to give us new features.