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Finding Vellum

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:54 am
by Fazzadien
So I'm back in the game from a LONG absence, and am slowly but surely levelling and AAing up again.

Due to low server population in my level range, there's not a lot of mage spells for sale in the bazaar, and those that are in there are priced kind of high. I've been lucky 66-68 in having researchers take care of my spell needs, but now I'm 69 and I can't find the vellum to get my spells.

Does anyone have a few suggestions as to which mobs (and which zones) I can solo (w/ cleric merc) in to get more vellums for my 69-70 spells? Alternately, where could I solo and get some of the runes used to turn in to get those spells? I was soloing in Wall of Slaughter for a bit, and didn't see a single rune, even though I did quite a few of the wandering named.


Re: Finding Vellum

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:07 am
by sharrien
Looks like Kod'Taz is a good bet for 69 scrolls. Some mobs in The Buried Sea also, if I remember correctly, the regura were easy but the sirens were harder to single. Katta Castrum for 70 scrolls, maybe Riftseekers, but those might be a stretch to solo at 69.

Re: Finding Vellum

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:22 am
by Zacatac
Fazzadien wrote: I was soloing in Wall of Slaughter for a bit, and didn't see a single rune, even though I did quite a few of the wandering named.
You have to go to higher zones to find the 69 & 70 runes drop more often. Try MPG or RSS.

For the research, it's hard to find these in mass quantities due to being random zone drops. But here are the links -" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Re: Finding Vellum

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:58 pm
by Optamos
I'm currently 68 and struggling to get my 66+ spells as well. I just found out that the 71+ spells are vendor bought though?

I wonder if I shouldn't just suck it up and level with my lousy spell list until I hit 71 and then just buy my spells? I'm spending my plat on replacing my gear at the moment, so I don't really have any plat to spare for spells (and the few runes I have seen for sale in the bazaar are way out of my price range). Thanks!

EDIT: Please note that I have my 66 air pet and the 67 pet daggers, so I have a pretty decent pet at least. I just don't have the 66 bolt and any other 67 or higher spells. /sigh

Re: Finding Vellum

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:00 pm
by Merlaina
Yes, 71+ spells you can buy, but you only get the rank 1 version. Rank 2 versions are either dropped, crafted with research, or in the case of TBS spells bought with Orux (or, again, crafted).

And whoever said Katta Castrum for 70+ scrolls, yes, the weak elementals in Katta drop them fairly frequently. You'd probably get 4-6 after killing them for an hour or so. Don't know any good places offhand for 65-69 scrolls though. :(

Re: Finding Vellum

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:01 pm
by Msha
2 weeks in Katta, 3-4 hours a day netted me 300+ AAs and 40+ scrolls for research of levels 65-75

Re: Finding Vellum

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:16 pm
by Fazzadien
Thanks everyone for your help! It looks like Katta will be my next stop then. Grinding in the Hole may be lucrative, but it certainly isn't challenging or all that fun.

Re: Finding Vellum

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:43 am
by Wati
Msha wrote:2 weeks in Katta, 3-4 hours a day netted me 300+ AAs and 40+ scrolls for research of levels 65-75
Im also pretty sure all the scrolls drops in Splitpaw. At 68 you should be able to do it with a Merc, and 71 with some AAs without a merc...