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master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 4:57 am
by svenalo
These are the AA ideas we have for the HoT expansion. I will adjust the desirability rankings as we refine them.

As of May 4, we have an OVERWHELMING CONCENSUS:
Mage #1 priority is our pet, our pet, our pet - the meaner, beefier, the better. AA's should enhance the pet, but out of the box they should already rock. The standard for them rocking, as set in SoF, is a mage with a pet from the current expansion can defeat blue con mobs of the current expansion WITHOUT the pet being focused and WITHOUT a merc healer.
Mage #2 priority is mana regen, whether it be from super mod rods, vastly beefed up Thaumatize, vastly improved water elemental form, and the like. The only exception is a big NO if it was an extension of the pet reclaim functionality.
After those, it seems the next most common desire is making elemental forms useful again.

Here are the ideas. First is the requester (tons'o'folks if a lot of people said it), then the AA name/idea, then any description/explanation. They are grouped according to desirability.

As of June 10, based on the various discussions, the following seems to be the desirability of the various AA ideas.


danille - sturdy companion - additional ranks
danille - fortify companion - additional ranks
danille - elemental durability - additional ranks
danille - elemental agility - additional ranks
danille - companion's agility - additional ranks
danille - companion's durability - additional ranks
tons'o'folks - mana regen - self explanatory
falino - hastened servant - more ranks if getting a new rumbling servant at 90
falino - extended servant - more ranks if getting a new rumbling servant at 90
falino - twincast - more ranks
gnomeland - Lot more passive nuke AAs - additional ranks
gnomeland - Lot more passive pet AAs - additional ranks


tons'o'folks - elemental forms - additional ranks, make em useful again, etc, etc. i.e. water form more mana regen, fire form boost fire spell dmg and fire pet dps, etc. *Water = rk4-6 adds 25/30/40 mana per tick; *Air = rk4-6 raises resist caps by 100/150/200 and increases movement to run 6/7/8; *Earth = rk4-6 Increase hp by 1000/2000/3000 and mitigates 5/10/15% of melee damage; *Fire = rk4-6 increase twincast rate by 1/2/3%
tons'o'folks - Swap Pet - self explanatory
tons'o'folks - Reverse COH - send mage to the target
svenalo - <type> Elemental Transcendence - gives us a permanent elemental illusion of the type, and granting the bonuses for that type (i.e. hp boost for earth, mana regen boost for water, etc). The water form's mana regen boost should be such to give us a realistic boost in mana regen. If not an aa, it could be done as the result of a specialization quest in which case you would select which one you wanted to be, and have to redo the quest to change.
svenalo - Elemental Surge - doubles the output the next 3 nukes (both dmg including crits, etc and hate). Not a twincast... So if the spell went off and would have done 9000, if this was active it would do 18000. A fizzle would eat one of the nukes.
tons'o'folks - Accelerate companion - velocity buff that works indoors.
merlanina - Synergy of flame - When activated any fire based nukes the mage fires at their own fire pet will be channeled by the fire pet to the pet's target with increased damage. This will reduce aggro for the mage, but increase the chance of the fire pet getting aggro, all while increasing overall DPS with fire based spells.
merlanina - Arcane burnout - greatly increases you pet's chance to crit with spells (activated, same timer/duration as frenzied burnout). Or wrap this into another rank of frenzied burnout.
sharrien - Prolific Minion - Buff on our pet that procs more little pets that immediately attack the pet's target
falino - pet veteran's wrath - boost pet crit dmg
falino - pet weapon affinity - self explanatory
falino - pet twinproc - self explanatory
deadman1204 - elemental speed - adds 5% movement per rank when in elemental form, stacks with run speed
deadman1204 - elemental durability (mage) - adds 5% mitigation per rank while in elemental form
quseio - frenzied rumbling servant - fbo for gargoyles
quseio - buff extension - self explanatory
quseio - innate pet haste aura - secondary aura, wouldn't count towards aura cap
calebe - Improved Host in a Shell - absorb more damage.
calebe - AA to increase the damage done by our AA nuke - self explanatory
malleria - targetted summoning - "think project illusion"
calebe - AA to reduce the recast time on AA malosinia - self explanatory
calebe - AA to increase the amount debuffed by AA sinia - self explanatory
calebe - AA to increase the length of Frenzied Burnout - 3 ranks (15 seconds) (30 seconds) (1 minute)
calebe - AA to extend duration of Twin cast - by 15 seconds
calebe - AA for a pet Divine Intervention - self explanatory
calebe - Pet enrage AA makes the pet enrage when you want it to - 30 minute recast. Does not interfere with normal enrage. 15 second duration.
(SOE)wtym6a2 - aa gate rank 2 - removes the chance for gate failure
(SOE)wtym6a2 - aa to reduce reuse timer on wands/rods - multiple ranks, each rank shortens it more
(SOE)wtym6a2 - aa summon companion rank 2 - works even if pet has aggro
merlaina - shortened forced rejuvenation - lower reuse time
malleria - radiant cure pet - allow us to cure the pet's ailments, especially the non-counter based effects
tweelis - tribute affects pet - aa line to allow tribute effects to affect pets
tweelis - guardian pets - aa line to have an uncontrollable, unfocused, persisting additional pet per rank.
qibrme - aa to have fire pets crit - boost fire pet dps
qibrme - aa to have fire pets cast bolt or jolt - boost fire pet dps
deadman1204 - double backstab - water elemental pets only
deadman1204 - triple attack - air elemental pets only
deadman1204 - increased spell damage - fire elemental pets only
deadman1204 - pet innate damage shield - 100/150/200 ds for earth elemental pets only
deadman1204 - imbue elemental - boost pet melee by 10 and backstab by 75 per rank
quseio - jolt cap extension - each rank adds an additonal hit to the mob
gnomeland - Servant mana reduction - I think duration is good enough but they could be cheaper
calebe - aa pet DI - self explanatory


jack96jill - a form of redirect/reengage for swarm pets - self explanatory
jack96jill - pet snare proc/spell - random chance for pet to cast a snare so it can stop low life runners
jack96jill - ae frenzied burnout - centered on our pet, affects other pets close by
svenalo - COH v2 - works in all those "no heroes here" zones
svenalo - Elemental Punch - orders the pet to smack the mob hard, knocking it back several feet. Would allow us to help reposition things, also help interupt spells.
svenalo - Elemental Alignment - If we have a fire pet up, and we use a fire spell, we draw on the power of the fire elemental to give the nukes a sizable boost. Or this could be the bonus effect of Fire Elemental Transcendence.
merlanina - Elemental transfusion - balances the mage's health with their pet.
merlanina - Annihilation mastery - increases the chance to completely annihilate an elemental or construct with the ATA line of spells and turn summoned (increase the chance of the 32K proc). Give it 3 ranks to take the chance up to 5% for ATA and higher with turn summoned.
merlanina - Theft of Essence mastery - increase the chance of theft of essence procs. 3 ranks at 5% per rank
merlanina - Elemental deconstruction - decrease pet health by 50%, and do that amount in damage to the pet's target.
falino - rumbling servant - mana free version
quseio - instant cast all aa's aa - self explanatory (could be a separate aa for each line)
quseio - anti stun aa - like melee's get
quseio - aa to make thaumative instant - self explanatory
voragath - shrunken pet - RS line and Servant of Ro line come summoned shrunk
calebe - AA pet retrieve - suspended pet lives through mage's death
calebe - Call of hero across zones - self explanatory
calebe - AA cancel magic- (removes 2 buffs from target) .5 second cast time. 2.5 second recast timer same as spell.
(SOE)wtym6a2 - aa that next summoned pet is a caster pet - Now all the pets we have are 4 types of elemental plus a monster summoning, water/earth/air/monster are meleers, only fire is caster. In my opinion I want to have an AA buff(permanent, instant-cast), and when with this buff is taking effect on our buff window, our following pet summoning spell would create caster type of pets. Caster type of pets will not charge when in combat but self rooted and cast big instant nuke "elemental srike **" per 3-4 secs, they are weak on ac, hp, melee damage, but have good non-melee damage. Air nuker casts magic-based lightening(no stun effect, just pure dps), Water nuker casts ice nuke, Fire uses fire-based nuke and Earth pet would cast non-damage ae root. Monster-summoning caster pet would act like a curer, it doens't nuke or heal, however, it cast cure type of spell to remove poison, disease, curse, corruption and detrimental effects from group members. If we want regular pet of that type, just click off this aa buff, then our pet would be the tank type of pet, strong ac, hp, powerful melee dmg and with their own born weakness and proficiency respectively. would like to see Fire meleer has ds aura(better than spell ds and have effect of Burning Pyroshroud) for group members if within its range(short range is enough) and Water meleer pet can can cast ice-based dmg snare(2 ticks duration, single target) in addition to backstab; Air meleer pet not only can cast dmg stun but also may proc finishing blow if target trying to flee; Earth meleer can cast single root and has much better ac/hp than the other 4; Monster-summoning meleer pet can cast disease-based dmg slow on target.
lots'o'folks - aa to give pet death effect - if pet dies, its target gets blasted
redius - aa to allow swarms to get bard songs, clickies from group - self explanatory
deadman1204 - rain enhancement - boost rains by 80 per hit per rank and resist adjust of 10 per rank


jack96jill - pet illusion - grab a random monster from the current zone and give the pet that illusion
svenalo - Elemental Slime - makes an area where things go sliding (like the velk's ice ramps) - would be for fun
svenalo - Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire - would surround an area with a wall of flames, damaging anything that came through to the raid, or continually damage anything standing in the wall.
calebe - AA for Ultra visioncalebe - Useful for some classes.
gnomeland - Prismatic super pet - drains your mana until 0, then disappears; once/hour; 10 ranks at cost 12/12/12...; first rank is slightly better than air pet at base, last rank is like servant at base but with a LOT more hps, defense, and interesting procs


eanelder - pet fade - split current pet fade into two new aa's giving pet its own fade (archtype - 1 sec cast, 2.5 min recast) and mage his/her own fade (class - instant, 7.5min recast)

TOSSED (with reason in brackets)

None at this time.

editted 5/8/10 to add tribute affects and guardian pets aa ideas by tweelis
editted 5/17/10 to add qibrme, gnomeland, calebe, redius
editted 5/25/10 to synchronize with SOE forum ideas
editted 6/10/10 to put in first crack at desirability rankings

Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:48 am
by Calebe
Place this list you created into: ... _id=163309

that is the thread the devs may look at. When Koz was the CL he refused to join this message board and the only way to reach the devs ears was on SoE message board or via PM's which I used a few times. So keep the idea coming here and move them there for the devs to see. Lets not let some push only their ideas but all of ours by keeping both threads updated.


Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:25 pm
by svenalo
ok... Do we want it moved there after we get a concensus of which on the list we really want, or do we want it over there in all its current brainstorming glory (the good, the bad, the ugly as it were)? In the other thread it seemed the concensus view was to not give something to the devs until it had been vetted and whittled down to just "the good" stuff...

Not that waiting might be moot since there is a thread over there already with unvetted stuff going in...

Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:29 pm
by Redius
I'd say move it all over so hopefully the devs can see what we think are good ideas.

Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:25 pm
by Calebe
Move it now with the explanation this is preliminary ideas. Stress that the number one agenda bigger meaner nastier pets will not change it is our primary purpose in the game and all else is secondary to the pet. Then give the list, maybe remove the names and condense some of the ideas into the 3 catergories of needs wants and nice to haves. If we send it now they know what to start looking at, and we can modify it as time goes on, maybe making a poll on some and seeing where we stand.

One to add if not on list Targeted Summoned items for invis stones at a minimum and haste masks armor and weapons maybe added but a lore item as in invis stones should not be a griefing issue.


Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:41 am
by Voragath
I'd post it now as our brainstorming ideas. Mages who don't come here may see it and get more ideas and start posting. Then the devs can see we are thinking and let us know when to give them a refined version, which is probably coming up soon. So we should start thinking about how we want to categorized these so when the time comes to categorize them we can jump on the ball.

Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:02 am
by Tweelis
Moved to the other thread.

Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 9:04 am
by Merlaina
Should we maybe keep ideas in the idea thread, while this thread should be dedicated to just the master list and what to do with it? At first I replied with comments on the previous idea, but I don't want to derail this thread.

Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:01 am
by svenalo
Yes, this is just the master list thread = the new ideas and brainstorming go in the other thread.

I am home now from my trip and will get this cross posted over to SOE.

Re: master AA idea list for new expansion

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:27 pm
by deadman1204
Im not a fan of additional swarm pets or other kinds, because pets are killable - which means our dps is killable. And sony doesnt take that into account when