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Two returning players

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:55 pm
by Airie
My friend and I played EQ through GoD. We're back now and made a magician pair (I played a mage before) on Mayog to take advantage of the 51 level out-the-door. Our goal is to level as efficently as possible. We're going to grab a tank merc and probably head to Griegs or PoNightmare first and then probably follow the hotspots from there. That's the plan anyway.

I've heard mention about "Tasks" being good as well, but I have no idea ;)

What do you all think would be the best approach? Remember my friend and I have been gone for awhile so go light on the alphabet soup for us ignorant people! :P

Re: Two returning players

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:27 pm
by Danille
Welcome back

I recommend that you go with healing mercs as they work much better with pets. Then work though the hotzone quests from the merchant in POK. When you finish a quest, make sure that you have Potion of Adventure or LOTD running so you get extra experience on the mission completion and not just on the kills. Hopefully you purchased all the free potions from Marketplace over the holiday weekend.

Re: Two returning players

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:10 pm
by Airie
Thanks a lot Danille :) We are going to log in tonight and start digging in. Really excited to get back in the game just to see how much it's changed and explore a lot of the newer zones.