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Older Games

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:54 pm
by Kelno
I'm looking for some older games that I haven't played before, but don't suck.

Baldur's Gate series
Icewind Dale series
Homeworld series
Nexus: The Juipter Incident
Battlezone 2
Fallout series

any more suggestions?

Re: Older Games

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:03 pm
by Danille

Re: Older Games

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:09 pm
by Kelno
Danille wrote:Diablo
I said that don't suck.

Re: Older Games

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:40 am
by EQ Mage Tower
Might and Magic series (Especially Clouds of Xeen and Darkside of Xeen)
Wizardry series
Ultima Underworld 1 & 2
The Bards Tale series
Dragon Wars

Re: Older Games

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:39 am
by SilverbladeTE
XCOM 1 and 2
Syndicate, Syndicate Wars
Dark Sun 1 and 2, but they need DOS box to Run
"Pools" series, GOld Box A&D&D. started with pools of Radiance (pretty basic game) then went through 4? games to Pools of Darkness
Pool of Radiance 2, despite what others think, I like this game. But it MUST be patched, can wreck yer system ick
Temple of Elemental Evil, again, needs patched, fan patch adds in lots of lost content
Vampire the Masquerade Redemption or BLoodlines, both are excellent, punk vampire in #1 is a riot :lol: , and #2 is one of the best games ever, IMHO

Re: Older Games

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:25 pm
by Zaaqen
Brave Fencer Musashi - Ive said for a long time this is the greatest game you've never heard of (because most people never have) It's an action RPG for the playstation, but I'm guessing you can get an emulator/rom in about 5 minutes. Kind of a 'cute' game, but I love it.

Dragonshard - I guess it's not that old, but it's a neat combo of RPG/RTS

Nox - This is Diablo-esque but I like it. (I like diablo 1 and 2 though so if you dont you probably shouldn't bother with this game)

Zombies Ate my Neighbors - Super Nintendo Win!~ (Sorry, it was necessary)

Neverwinter Nights - Right in line with the Baldur's Gate series and such

The Witcher - Again, not that old, but I really enjoyed this game

Thief series - Stealth games but I'm a fan
~~~ Along those same lines, if you haven't played the Metal Gear Solid games or the Tenchu games they are other good stealth games to look into, but they're console games)

Atelier Iris Series - This is probably one of the last 2d traditional RPG series still being made - but there's a reason they're still making them. (PS2, but if you know japanese there's several other earlier ones you can easily get on your computer)

Total Annihilation - A great RTS game - Tons of balanced, playermade content to continue playing this game for a long time.

I dont know if you're limited to computer or have gaming consoles and such/what types of games you're looking for so I will quit listing stuff off now. I've wasted most of my life playing games though, so I can list plenty more if you need them.

Re: Older Games

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:56 pm
by Bastler
Planescape: Torment. One the best, till maybe Dragon Age came out. :D

Re: Older Games

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:29 am
by Kelno
Thanks for the suggestions, folks.
Zaaqen wrote:Brave Fencer Musashi - Ive said for a long time this is the greatest game you've never heard of (because most people never have) It's an action RPG for the playstation, but I'm guessing you can get an emulator/rom in about 5 minutes. Kind of a 'cute' game, but I love it.

Dragonshard - I guess it's not that old, but it's a neat combo of RPG/RTS

Nox - This is Diablo-esque but I like it. (I like diablo 1 and 2 though so if you dont you probably shouldn't bother with this game)

Zombies Ate my Neighbors - Super Nintendo Win!~ (Sorry, it was necessary)

Neverwinter Nights - Right in line with the Baldur's Gate series and such

The Witcher - Again, not that old, but I really enjoyed this game

Thief series - Stealth games but I'm a fan
~~~ Along those same lines, if you haven't played the Metal Gear Solid games or the Tenchu games they are other good stealth games to look into, but they're console games)

Atelier Iris Series - This is probably one of the last 2d traditional RPG series still being made - but there's a reason they're still making them. (PS2, but if you know japanese there's several other earlier ones you can easily get on your computer)

Total Annihilation - A great RTS game - Tons of balanced, playermade content to continue playing this game for a long time.

I dont know if you're limited to computer or have gaming consoles and such/what types of games you're looking for so I will quit listing stuff off now. I've wasted most of my life playing games though, so I can list plenty more if you need them.
I'm mostly limited to what I can play on my laptop (C2D 1.6GHz, 3GB RAM, SSD, Intel 4500MHD), or xbox 360.

Re: Older Games

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:37 pm
by Merlaina
Wanted to throw in a bump for Homeworld. I'm not much on RTS games, but that one was brilliant. It wasn't just the graphics (which were pretty impressive at the time) but the zen-like ambiance the game created was cool. And the first game I remember to use what I have come to refer to as a SVL (soothing voice lady) for the computer/ui assistant.

Also a great game not on any list I saw, Star Control 2! A group has gone back and recreated it as an open source project called The Ur-Quan Masters, so it's freely available (

And Diablo was pretty good, but Diablo 2 was amazing. I can understand not thinking the first one was that great, but come on, D2 soaked up a ridiculous amount of my time in college (which explains my grades those semesters).

My final suggestion: Beyond Good and Evil. It's rare that the art style of a game really impresses me, but this game does a great job of creating it's own somewhat silly little world. The action is good, the levels are just long enough to be fun but not overstay their welcome, and there's enough different things to do in the game to mix up the action all the way to the end. My only complaint was occasionally it took too long to get from one level to the next with running around finding stuff, selling stuff, and taking pictures of animals. Good original soundtrack too. Basically one of the highest production value AND fun games I had seen in a long time. Available on for $10 with no DRM (as are the original Fallout games, Sacrifice, Total Annihilation, and I'm sure several others from your list).

Re: Older Games

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:48 am
by Remodius
Mass Effect 1 and 2, for Xbox360.