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Pet won't attack daydream mobs

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:56 pm
by Danrael
I submitted this as a bug on a couple of accounts, but i wanted to make sure it was not an intended or already addressed.

No pets will attack daydream mobs in Morell's Castle. Makes it kind of hard to pet tank in that zone since they wander and some see invis.

I have not checked since the Dec 8 patch but I saw nothing in the patch notes.

Re: Pet won't attack daydream mobs

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:09 pm
by dorfillya
The pets will fight if you get the mob to hit you first, and you do not have pet hold on when it happens. Servant pets will hit them in the correct manner. Same thing happens with other "floating ball" looking mobs in other zones, like terror wraiths in fear.

I am usually in a pet tanking situation. I turn off pet hold, pull the mob to me and let it hit me once, pet will assist and take agro as I back out. Aggravating, but it can work if you are the puller. If somebody else pulls and tanks, I have no good answer how to get the pet in the fight.

Re: Pet won't attack daydream mobs

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:54 pm
by Malleria
It was pointed out to them as soon as a pet class reached these models. Sadly nerfing the underdogs is more important than fixing game breaking bugs.