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Somehow I attempted to transfer guild leadership

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:43 pm
by dduble07
I'm a leader of a small but old guild. It's a guild I've been leader of for 5 years now and while we dont raid I value being the leader very much. Today I was logged on in EQ and my screen saver was up as I had been outside. When I came back in I moved my mouse some and I saw this message "Trying to transfer leadership of the guild to_______" Then right below it it said "New leader _____ not found." I was freaked out to say the least. This guy ________is a low level and he recentally joined the guild. In a moment of panic I saw that he had not been made leader and that I still remained leader. Worried and scared that when he logged on the changes would go through I demoted him to initiate(or the lowest rank) and removed him from the guild. Of course I'll re-invite him but I'm just scared. My heart is beatting incredibly fast and I'm unsure what exactly happened, will any changes be made, and would SOE fix it?

Re: Somehow I attempted to transfer guild leadership

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:59 pm
by Tweelis
Obvious question here.....does anybody aside from you or a spouse have your password? If this person somehow got their hands on your password they might have attempted to change it while in game. Next question would be, is your password easily guessed? Random letters, numbers and symbols are the best ones to have. If your password is any of these (or something similar) change it:,2817,2113976,00.asp

Re: Somehow I attempted to transfer guild leadership

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:05 pm
by dduble07
Currently nobody but myself lives in my house. My girlfriend has her own place and is out of town on business and has been for several days. My password is not something easy to guess and my computer is totally secure. I only play EQ on it. As of now I still remain the leader I'm just freaked out...Still

Re: Somehow I attempted to transfer guild leadership

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:06 pm
by svenalo
It's possible you had a click or something pass through to EQ when you came back and were moving the mouse.