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MM mission update coming October 7th

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:47 pm
by Danille
Changes to Classic Mission are on Test

· Existing "raid" items have been "zeroed out". All of their stats and aug slots have been removed. This will return all augs to the character. Please remember to drop them into a bag before you zone. If you're concerned about bag space, I suggest you camp out in a bank when you log out before the update on the 7th.

· Those items can be turned in to the item merchant for a full refund of the Brew used to purchase them. Turning one of those zeroed out items will give the character one of a list of items as a gift.

· Participation in the classic raids against Lord Nagafen and Lady Vox will require that a character have completed any seven of the raid events listed below.

· Purchasing any of the raid gear from the merchant will also require completion of any seven of those raids.

· The "group" items have been boosted to be similar in power to current Tier 4 Seeds of Destruction items.

· The augments will be not be exclusively locked behind the raid completion requirement, making them "group" gear.

Queen Malarion - Hard

Stop the Ascension - Hard

Bloody - Kithicor - Hard

A Council Divided - Hard or Standard

Claiming Felbane - Hard or Standard

Jaled Dar versus Ganak - Hard or Standard

Showdown at the Core - Hard or Standard

Eriak's Downfall - Hard or Standard

Rallos Returns - Hard or Standard

Fall of Toskirakk - Hard or Standard

Venom Lord - Hard or Standard

Mindshear Avatar - Hard or Standard

Pallorax - Hard or Standard

The Mindblight - Hard or Standard

Trophy Room - Hard or Standard

Stasis Room - Hard or Standard

Scrying Room - Hard or Standard

Altar Room - Hard or Standard

Throne Room - Hard or Standard

Edge of Destruction - Hard or Standard

Zek Twins - Hard or Standard

Three Sisters

Deadly Swarm

Stalwart Defenders



Final Portal

Two Gods

Battle Room






Ice Constructs

Zeixshi Kar

Aerius Windfury


Keeper of the Stones


Halls of Fire


Brood Mother


Re: MM mission update coming October 7th

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:20 pm
by Navik
"The Game Update and Server downtime has been postponed and will not be taking place on October 7th. We will post a new date when it become available."