Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

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Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Elmago »

Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

I recently heard about this augment and am thinking of taking the time to farm the raid and get two (one for my mage and one for my wiz). Does anyone know if this is a worthwhile pursuit? What would be the benefits of +15% Specialize Evocation?

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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Piemastaj »

It is quite possibly the best aug nukers can possibly get period. IDK the exact #s or anything, but basically everytime you cast an evocation spell it saves you mana from the cast. So, judging by that you save HUGE amounts of mana per group/raid/solo/anything. Granted, you do lose stats on your worn gear for magelo and eqplayers, but you should notice quite a bit of difference once you equip that aug.

The raid however isn't as easy as you would think. Clearing to the named is fairly simple, however you have a raid out of combat timer which means you must wait about 6 in a half minutes or so until you can regen to full mana. The good thing is you can use Annihilate the Aberrant and similar spells on around 95% of the mobs in the instance. The named is the hard part. When me and another mage duoed this raid at lvl 80 we could not kill him w/o adding a third mage, I think the lowest we got him was around 30%. The biggest problem is that you can not nuke him at all. If you do it gets fully resisted and you go oom w/o seeing any dmg done to him. IDK if we did this right or wrong (fairly sure we tried every possibility to duo him), but it just wouldn't work. So, I would recommend you bring melee DPS and tear the named up. At lvl 85 we were able to duo him w/o a problem though.

Another aug that is $$ is the Conjuration one from the Butcherblock raid. imho it is a lot easier then the evocation one b/c everything can be nuked.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Elentarri »

so it would basically be worthwhile to get? for group/solo/raid peeps?
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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Malleria »

Very worthwhile. How it was explained to me is every 20 points in a specialisation give you an additional 1% mana pres on those spells. The 15% mod gives 38(or 39, im not online atm to check) extra skill points, giving you just under 2% more mana pres on evocation spells. Doesn't sound like much, but 2% off every nuke through your entire mana bar amounts to a LOT more than any single mana aug can give you.

But yea, the secret to the final guy is to just let your pet kill it. Might take a while - it seems to go through phases where it doesn't seem to take any damage at all, then it's hp will suddenly drop, no clue what that was about - but our SoD promised heal + the occassional spot heal is plenty to keep a pet alive, and isn't too hard on mana. Solo'd it the first time, took my beast box the second time to make it faster :P

edit: Oh! Keep in mind there are 2 (TWO) chests at the end for loot. Don't do what I did and run it 3 times before noticing the second chest :oops:
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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Piemastaj »

LMAO, it took me and my mage friend 2 tries before we realized the second chest! :oops:

But as Malleria said, both of those augs are must haves for any type of mage. They will overall add a lot more mana to your bar regardless of your type of play.

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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Dadani »

Malleria wrote:edit: Oh! Keep in mind there are 2 (TWO) chests at the end for loot. Don't do what I did and run it 3 times before noticing the second chest :oops:
Ouch....but I guess practice makes perfect! ;)
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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Sillaen »

I've always wanted to get those 2 items. Guess I'll give it a shot sometime next week. :)
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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Sampi »

What is the name of the Butcherblock raid that has the conjuration aug? Thanks for the help.
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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Piemastaj »

LDoN Raid: Mistmoore Catacombs: Struggles in the Progeny.

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Re: Tweyne's Stone of Evocation

Post by Firen Fury »

i have it and ive asked, "how many hp does an aug have to have before its better than this one?" and the answer has always been, "there isnt one thats better"
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