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I finally joined

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:15 pm
by Eaedyilye
Hi gang,

I'm a long time reader of the Mag board, I go back to the old board. So far back a 10k mana pool was uber.

Right now I've been playing again after about a 2 year hiatus. Towards the end of my stay I had all the essential AA's I needed and I was geared as good as I was going to get without raiding. I just don't have the ambition to raid anymore. I used to like to raid though, I even was in the top 10 on my server back in the SOD expansion era.

I've raided, grouped and soloed a lot so I can relate to everyone's perspective, especially when it comes to pets and DPS. There's always issues but compared to the old days, it's vastly easier. Still though, in raiding pets can be disappointing to say the least. That's still the main gripe when it comes to pets.

Right now I've just dinged 93 (7 more to go :roll: ) and have done nothing but solo since I came back about 3 weeks ago. As of late I find the new pets very good at the solo game. Not like the old days when new content one rounded the pets. But in some ways I enjoyed the old game more. It forced people to group especially if you wanted to do the upper tier zones in a new expansion.

See you around,

Re: I finally joined

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:18 am
by Summerfrost

Re: I finally joined

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:44 pm
by Tornaydoh
Welcome back!

I am also a returning Magician, though my little Gnome is only level 52. My feeling for the old "group-friendly" days is also nostalgic; I miss strategy and teamwork. My opportunity for play is limited right now, but I have gained level 52 since my return (from level 46) and looking forward to AA farming, lol!

See you in Norrath,

Tornaydoh Hailstorm ("Attack! . . . you go first!")