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Group dps - 2013

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:36 am
by qundo
Level 100 Mage, near 4k AA, all offensive + pet dps discs maxed.

I mostly Group. I never raid, so RK2 spells is what I have going for me, and Group obtainable armor, atm, a mix of T1, T2 stuff from Rain of Fear.

(This is not a post for burns/named, just regular Group dps)

In Group encounters, I am parsing consistently 10-17k dps. Here is my rotation:

1) Rumbling Servant
2) Strongest rain
3) Next-strongest rain
4) Fickle
5) Spear

My water pet adds around 5k dps to this.

I am parsing against shissar in Chelsith Reborn.

Is this an "OK" situation, or should I be higher? I agree, it's a very simple rotation, too simple perhaps. I do not like that the group monk is outdps'ing me.

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:43 am
by Tweelis
Mine is similar but I don't do fickle. Also do another garg when you get a GOM proc if the mob will be alive long enough to justify using a garg, otherwise use a spear. You might be getting resists on some nukes so use malo* on incoming or if that isn't an option use garg then malo* before rains. Also make sure your pet is behind the mob, companions relocation helps with this.

I'm doing a pretty consistent 22k-25k dps including my pet; this goes up if my pet has gear from the bazaar.

A couple of things that affect your dps:
What pet focus do you have?
What is your total spell damage with all your gear?
You said you have all your dps aa's. How about the aa's that reduce the reuse timer on them? do you click your aa's as soon as they refresh?
Are you multi-binding your spells or manually casting them?

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:31 pm
by cicely
Solo/group tends to be the same as far as spell lineup goes. All of this is assuming you are killing mobs with substantial hit points (i.e. RoF/SoF/HoF).

I either lead with AA malo or Relentless Servant, depending on how far away mob is. My next spell cast is the one I did not use the first time. I then begin my spell weave of-


I then make a decision if a second Relentless will last the remaining duration of the mob's health (or close to it). If I can get max/close to max value from a second Relentless then I do so. If not I cast Fickle. After either Relentless or Fickle is casted, I then repeat the three spells above.

After that second weave I make another decision if a third Relentless is able to be casted. In group situations this happens uncommon/rare; in solo situations it happens frequently. I then either cast that third Relentless, or cast Fickle. I then repeat the three spell weave a third time.

After that third weave I am replacing Relentless with Fickle. Unless I am solo and the mob has a ton of HP and I know I can get value out of a fourth Relentless, in which case I go that route. But 97+ percent of the time I am using Fickle in place of Relentless after the third Relentless.

Keep in mind I am casting Force AA whenever it refreshes, every 30 seconds. So factor that into the above mentioned spell lineup.

I haven't parsed myself recently as a solo magician; the last parse I saw was in a group lesson burn in BG... with a bard I was between 44-49k dps for the 30 minutes. This was going all out- using FBO x3, Arcanum Focus x3, First Spire x2, Fire Core x2, Elemental Union x1, VT x2.

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:52 pm
by Cielli
Keep in mind if you're leading off with Servant, you need to Link your pets in your parsing.

Otherwise it'll look like this

Cielli 15k
Frank ( cielli's pet ) 6k
Cielli's pet 4.5k

When others are parsing you, they may not have pets linked in their parser. so Dont be afraid to throw ur own parse out there & correct them, pets are a significant portion of their dmg.

Really, you're 22.5k'ish dps is good. nuthin wrong with that... I'm about that on an average fight, but then if you do a swamp-parse over the course of an hour, you'll see you're more like 30k with the burns & virulent talon and frenzied burnouts factored in.

Some simple things...

Use your Blazing Orb ( fire clicky ) & re-summon new ones between pulls.
Gear your pet ( even just defiant plate gear ) this will change a water pets dps from 5k to 7k easily.

If you're using spears for your last spell, keep in mind spears take awhile to travel to the target, so the mob could possibly die before it reaches them, thus you will get 0 damage. I always use fickle on a mob thats about to die, its our hardest hitting spell which also lands instantly. The effect of the fickle fire-core proc dealio is not so great that you want to risk Not landing your spear. So I'd suggest casting your spear before you cast fickle.

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:02 pm
by Tweelis
When gearing your pet make sure the new gear has higher AC than the stuff it comes summoned with; elegant defiant is better in most slots but not always.
Here's what our pets come with when summoned with any pet focus:
Helm: AC49, HP95
Arms: AC56, HP80
Hands: AC49, HP101
Boots: AC56, HP88
Breastplate:AC97, HP132, Avoidance 16
Pants: AC70, HP125, Shielding 4%
Belt: AC49, HP2400
Necklace: AC37, HP330
Shoulder: AC42, HP330
Finger: AC42, HP330
Wrist: AC43, HP80
Ear: AC37, HP330

and some elegant defiant stuff:

helm AC56, HP271, Atk 13
arms AC57, HP219, Atk 20
hands AC49, HP238, Atk 13
Boots AC51, HP250, Atk 17
Breastplate AC98, HP396, Atk 20
Pants AC74, HP360, Atk 16

but all in all check the bazaar for what's available.

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:44 am
by qundo
Great tips guys, I really appreciate them!

As for multibinding, I am not sure I want to go there, as I want to weave in AA abilities between spells. Most AA abilities take 1.5s (/pause 15) to cast, which is exactly what the spellbar needs to be ready again, so socials > spam in my book. Dont flame me over this :)

I adjusted my initial macro to the following:

Button 1:
1) /pause 3,/xtarget target 1 (main assist's target)
2) /pause XX, /cast 1 (Blistersteel Malosinete, the nuke + malo)
3) /pause XX, /cast 2 (Rumbling Servant)
4) /pause XX, /cast 3 (Highest level Rain)
5) /em wurbleflox (this is to fire off an audio trigger that tells me to hit my next key)

Button 2:
1) /pause XX, /cast 4 (The next highest rain)
2) /pause XX, /cast 5 (Fickle)
3) /pause XX, /cast 6 (Spear)
4) Blank for now
5) /em lurdneschwivel (fire off another audio trigger to let me know I'm done on this button)

XX depends on spell. I'm not in front of my mage atm.

I also have a couple of buttons for named where I use Fire Core, host of elements, and finally a button that has a /pause 1,/cast N five times to do basically the same job as multibinding, just spam all my nukes in order of preference. These two are for named only.

What is OBVIOUSLY missing here are the AA abilities with a /pause 15 between real spells. What should I put in there? I typically do not want to put abilities that take 10 minutes or more to be available again, I usually save those for named.
On my sidekick druid, I have a 30s reusable AA nuke (Stormstrike) that is very handy, plus a ton of debuffs, such as Hand of Ro. My enchanter has doppelganger and slow on AA skills, that she throws in there inbetween spells.

I did not know about defiant, and will seriously add that to my pet for more dps :)

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:26 pm
by Enkel
I know you said you don't want to go to multibind, but that is where you will need to go to maximize your dps. In full raid gear I sustain around 40-54k dps over the course of 30 minutes soloing or grouping. In the group setting, if you have a decent dps group, don't bother casting RS, because it won't last the full duration (or enough to make it matter). When soloing use RS, its great dmg.

Are you boxing or focusing on your mage? I don't know why you wouldn't want to move to a multibind if you're solely focusing on the mage. Give it a try, if you haven't, it's very useful.

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:56 pm
by dorfillya
No reason you can't cast AA while using multibind. If the mage is the only toon you are playing on that computer, then you are kidding yourself by not multibinding. In fact, I play 2 multibind mages on the same computer.

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:07 pm
by Enkel
^ same, when I want to speed things up.

Re: Group dps - 2013

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:22 am
by Gnogin
In Group encounters, I am parsing consistently 10-17k dps. Here is my rotation:

1) Rumbling Servant
2) Strongest rain
3) Next-strongest rain
4) Fickle
5) Spear

My water pet adds around 5k dps to this.
Long time enchanter here who plays a mage now.
Just dinged 100 a few days ago.

My question is.. why use rain spells?
In my years of playing I learned never to cast AE spells unless you are in an AE type group. Less mana efficient, breaks mez and draws too much aggro.
Did something change? Should I be casting AE spells?
