Hello, new magi seeking guidance!

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Hello, new magi seeking guidance!

Post by Ricice »

Hello there, I am a returning player whom decided to pick the magi class up with the recent installment of then heroic characters. In the past I have mainly only played melee/hybrids and have not really played much in the past year. Having just finished setting up my user interface and chat windows im left with spell sets and hotbars. However, to quote joe dirt "I'm new! I dont know what to do!".

What id like to try and find out is different hotkey socials and spell sets used for soloing mainly. Ive attempted to do some searches in the past day or so but some of the information is really old and I have no idea with the changes to the game if they still apply. So what id like as far as spell sets is one for buffing myself and the pet and any other summoned items I need to do that, one for soloing and a somewhat rotation to look at and build upon, and one for group play if it differs from the solo.

Also I have over 4500 aa now with this heroic mage and well I have no idea what is important and what is fluff or no longer needed to use activation wise.

I know its asking for a lot but if someone wouldnt mind ether answering me here or setting up a time in game or a chat program to go over such to get me set up that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you
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Re: Hello, new magi seeking guidance!

Post by Ricice »

Currently I have

1. Pet heal
2. Aegis
3. Malos (i prefer the spell over the aa)
4. Mod Rod (dont have the aa version yet)
5. Fickle
6. Bolt
7. Sands
8. Twincast
9. RS
10, Rain
11. Thaumatize Pet
12. Symbiosis

With a buff set of

1. Iceflame
2. Burnout
3. Group DS
4. Mod Rod
5. Empyrean Guardian
6. Hulking Bodyguard
7. Pet Aura
8. Summon Heirloom
9. Summon Muzzle
10. Summon Weapons
11. Summon Armor
12. Summon Air pet

From what ive read I should be weaving fickle bolt fickle sands or something similar to that and I used the burn macro listed under the Help Hotkeys post IE Flame core, 1st spire, acute focus

If someone can let me know how that set up is and also what other aa's i need to have on my bar or any pet macros needed that would be great.

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Re: Hello, new magi seeking guidance!

Post by Sillaen »

I'm trying to remember what I was doing at level 85. Here's a shot.

Weave I think was:

Group: RS, fickle, bolt, fickle, bolt
Raid: RS, jolt, fickle, bolt

Activated AAs: Fire Core, Arcanum, 1st Spire, Silent casting
Make use of twincast.

As far as buff set, I think the new Heroic chars come with an EMV earring and as such you do not need to summon anything for your pet expect weapons. Your pet will come pre-equipped with everything else you listed.

AA's you need to keep ready for pet:
Fortify companion
Companion's blessing
FBO (Frenzied Burnout)
Replenish companion
Keep pet aura up. It improves all your swarm pets and other group members' pets.

Can't remember any more for that level off the top of my head.
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