master Spell idea list for new expansion

Anything relating to the magical arts (pets, spells, AAs).
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Re: master Spell idea list for new expansion

Post by quseio »

I would like a nuke lets call it chaotic pyroclasm it would take some hp off every time but has a chance to do some form of extra damage be it twincast, x4 powered crit or whatever and it has a chance to do a extra hit of dmg to you sort of like our pyroclasm line but more dmg for more risk

A magic based sands line

A nuke that can be casted while silenced and cannot be slowed

I say lets get rid of rains entirely i dunno anyone who ever used them outside of fire immune fights
Elemental spirit of the berserker would turn our pets in addition to their current abilities into mini berserkers takeing a hp hit but gaining frenzy and stuff

Elemental spirit of the Knight makes pet like hes useing a shield with shield block and that other nice aa knights get
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Re: master Spell idea list for new expansion

Post by qibrme »

quseio wrote: A nuke that can be casted while silenced and cannot be slowed
What would be the trade off?
No point in being silenced if you can still cast spells.
With this magicians would basically get a psionic ability that is not currently in the game and all other casters would want something similar for sure.
I am not against this, but IMO there would have to be like a 3k HP per nuke trade off before SoE would ever consider allowing this into the game.
quseio wrote:I say lets get rid of rains entirely i dunno anyone who ever used them outside of fire immune fights
I say just because you don't use the rains, does not mean that no one else does.
Before the recast timer change that currently allows us to chain cast different spells, rains were a part of the weave for several magicians that i know of.
The DEV's do things for a reason and since they put the magic and fire rains on different timers, there might be content in the upcoming expansion where rains might be advantageous.

Not many magi use beam spells, but there are a few raid events where my guild has successfully used beams as the preferred method of handling adds over several expansions.

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Re: master Spell idea list for new expansion

Post by svenalo »

Psionic-type abilities wouldn't make sense for the mage class - that would fit in the enchanter (mind magic) area if anywhere...

I can see the niche uses for rains, just like there is a niche for most of the spells in the lineup...I just hate the things after bad experiences in the distant past (same reason I have for hating earth pets, certain quests, and the like). But I don't think that is a reason to remove them from the game.
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Re: master Spell idea list for new expansion

Post by quseio »

make the nuke less sefficent or... every time you cats it it damages your intelligence maybe it drains your end and you cant cast it anymore im sure thres lots more possibilities

If they made rains much faster casting , more waves and not grey out our spell gems they might get more use

I personaly think they just give it to use because weve always had em it would be good if they had more of a reason to use theyre a bit more dangerous to use so there should be more of anadvantage
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