86+ pets very underwhelming...

Anything relating to the magical arts (pets, spells, AAs).
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Danille »

I'l be at a christmas party tonite but send me a tell in the game. I have access to quite a few tradein gems and since we are on the same server, I would be happy to assist you with some duoing for exp or loots.
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Malleria »

Don't forget to keep promised heals going while soloing. They're priceless.
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Eandori Raintree »

Wow... another bomb just got dropped. Yeah, that's a huge heal!! No I don't have any of those types of spells and was not aware they exist. That will ABSOLUTELY make an additional huge impact on soloing. Looks like a 10-12k heal after 3 ticks? Especially with a super fast cast time!

I don't have any Void Access so I can't buy the rank 1 of the level 83 version. Since I can't go into Korafax I also cannot gain faction for the Rank II version. BUT It does look like I can get my hands on the 78 versions. So until I someday have Void D & Korafax Access I can at least use the level 78 version. Considering this, and also the Chaotic Boon spell I can see now why many of you stated those guards are "soloable" with the level 81 air pet.

That is very kind of you to offer help Danille :) I would be happy to buy some of those gems from you if any are for sale, and yeah some hang out time + some help with my Void E access would be very appreciated. I can pretty much never plan on when I'll be online though. It happens when my 3 year old is asleep, not at work, chores are done, and wife is doing something else. I suddenly find myself with a few hours for EQ, or not at all for a month. But when I get back online I'll look you up :)
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Yaddab »

Eandori, I see that you have Magelo premium, have you checkked out the missing spells feature ?

In character, edit, then spells. That will show you what you have missing and in most cases, will tell you what vendor it comes from, or what it drops from.
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Gnomeland »

Pets never tanked all that well and they still don't now. I think SoF was the only expansion where we got a "huge break" but even then it wasn't as big of a break as people make it out to be. Mainly, it's because pet focus items made a smaller difference back then than they do now. The SoF 76 pet was good out of the box because the equivalent of EM 5 in SoF was much weaker in terms of how it buffed the pet.

That said, HoT mobs are pretty trivial all the way through so you won't have a lot more problems than you did in SoD. The biggest difference is the power of the pet relative to the power of players. Tanks and pseudo-tanks (monks, rangers, etc.) got huge boosts in gear this expansion that make them a lot more powerful than they were in SoF. Our pets were considered exceptionally strong in SoF mainly because of the fact that group geared tanks were so weak. This is no longer true. Now you have group tanks hitting 65k hps and 6k+ AC and they are simply beasts relative to the mobs. Our pets can't even really compare anymore.

If there is a next expansion, I'm expecting it to be overtuned because of the huge player power swing they introduced in HoT. In that case our pet's weakness will really show, as it does already in UF if you ever go back to that grossly overtuned expansion that even today is harder than HoT. Just hope that next Beta won't be nearly as bad for mages as this one was because we summarily got screwed in every single way possible in HoT, especially on the DPS front (now that they're nerfing our mana augs as well).

Voragath: isn't it nice to hear that the only good thing that's happened to mages in ten years is a "mess up" by the devs?

Back to the useless rack. Good thing HoT is so easy it's not hard to gear up an overpowered melee toon.
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Voragath »

Gnomeland wrote:
Voragath: isn't it nice to hear that the only good thing that's happened to mages in ten years is a "mess up" by the devs?
In the sense that you meant that phrase: Indeed, sir, indeed.
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Failcon »

Dude I have gone out and Molo'd and grouped and my pet does just as good as any group geared tank. Only have EM8 so I don't know what your issue is. I have Molo'd multiple HoT named mobs, I am not trying to diss you but maybe you might wanna look into either retuning how you pet tank or maybe how your pet is set up. I don't think I am a great mage, so if I can do it, I would beleive most can.

What I like to do is use at least one de-agro weapon (2 if it was a raid pet), in primary, and never use taunt unless I need to grab agro (rare). I use that set up to increase the RS pets ability to grab agro (start off with RS on big mobs, but after that the others have to work more to agro over pet) which leaves main pet to mostly OT and hold agro between RS pet switches. I focus on getting max pet defense AAs as soon as I can (I tank for alot of my groups) rather than straight maxing dmg. Focusing on your pet more if you are soloing or the group tank is really important, these AAs are what these pets are tuned from (no different than how they tune for PC tanks). You can not depend on your pet focus to do all the work for you, all a pet focus does is sorta balance your pet to you in line with your gear (basicly your focus will likely be on par with your gear, groupers will likely have group focuses, while raiders will have the raid ones, though UF was stingy with those).

The main thing to remember is pets are not spose to be mainstay tanks, if they were, pets would hold agro over players (as is the case in WoW). Pets are leaps and bounds better than the were for a majority of this game. Some of you, I am sure didn't play back when pets couldn't tank nearly any even con mobs. Mages use to have to "chain pet" to tank, we had to live off blue con mobs for the most part. Pet focuses were type specific and not that great. Be glad with what we have now, instead of being disdained in grps we are now a wanted class. I get invites to DPS and to be the group tank, what else can you want.

Now you also have to be geared and AA'd appropriately, you can not expect to be lacking in gear or AAs and goto the top tier zones and face the bosses. There are only a few reasons for the huge difference in what some of us are able to do, and what others say is lacking. Either you are expecting it to be easy to go out and solo like you are in a group, you do not have the propper gear or AAs, or you are lacking the tactics to bridge the gap in ability. There are more than a few post here talking about group missions that you can solo as a mage, these are built for groups, so how can you complain that pets are not able to do the job? Either we are lacking or we are able to compete?

This is a group based game, it is designed around the abilities that a group can manage. The mobs are tuned for such, so to be able to solo the high end content is a powerful ability. I think many people on here should take a moment and think about it.

We need to focus on the real issues, poor mana regen, lack luster raid DPS, mana rod that does too much damage, druids having the same mana regen as our self cast spell that was always better, focuses that are either out of reach or won't drop, etc... These are issues that have true impact on us, that a lil skill or tactics can not bypass. These hard limits that have been placed against us need fixes, not issues where a lil hard work or skill will get you past it.

Back in the day, when building your toon, after selecting class/race/deity you were given a difficulty rating. All Mage combos were rated very hard. This class was designed to be a challenge, either accept it or move on. I am just glad I lasted through the truely hard times that we mages faced, these are truely beautiful days to be a mage. I have never seen so many classes against us as in the last few years, cause they see us doing what they can't. It is amazing how many people bot mages just so they get the pet dps.

May the elements guide and protect you.
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Malleria »

He said solo, not molo. And it's not really powerful to be able to solo mobs. Pretty much any class can do it these days.
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Gnomeland »

No one is saying mages cannot molo in HoT. The expansion is so easy rogues and berserkers are main tanking the content. The point is that the devs didn't address any of our issues and instead told us that "pet focus items are overpowered" with the indication that they're going to intentionally let our pets stagnate in the future. This is despite the fact that the very melees who are out-tanking our pets are also out-DPSing us by leaps and bounds.
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Re: 86+ pets very underwhelming...

Post by Necromage »

Just some random points I thought of after reading this thread.

(1) lvl 84's Chaotic Boon is limited to using nukes with a max lvl of 85. So if you're planning on staying at lvl 86, it won't work on the lvl 86 bolt. Will need lvl 89's Chaotic Blessing for that. It's another one of those examples where the devs are not considerate to people holding out on leveling. I can see that this spell line needs a max lvl attached. But the max lvl could be lvl 88 so that there is a smooth transition. Instead of having a 3 lvl void as it is now.

(2) lvl 78's Promised Recovery Rk II from the Hills of Shade faction vendor is no longer no-drop since the launch of HoT. Anyone who has kindly faction can buy the spell from the vendor and hand it over to you. Alternatively, it can be researched as well since HoT.

(3) EM5 focused lvl 81 pet is lvl 84 (unfocused is lvl 80). EM5 focused lvl 86 pet is lvl 86 (unfocused is lvl 85). It's not really that much of a raise in pet lvl.
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