December 20th:

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Re: December 20th:

Post by Fleiss »

I will probably not make it on for either of these, so passing my thoughts for AAs.

We know our m regen sucks, so we need ways to improve it. Mentioned above are several ways. They gave us new rods which are nice but still lacking in overall things. I will mention spells (more for firepower to argue for an AA) but I know this is for new AAs. So unless or until they fix the spells they will always be fire power for us to go well so and so doesnt have to keep this loaded if grouped with X class.

They tweaked rains and fickle to make us at least think about adding them to our line-ups. BUT with that we now have three situational spells (jolt, rain, fickle) that all have some limit whether it be a AE, need more pets, or doesnt work with fire core. We didnt get any new spell slots (and I doubt we ever will). So what you load gets tigher and tighter with the amount of spells we have to load or rotate for mana. So based off of that this is my ideas. On the surface they might not seems like much but allowing us to switch between spells binds without a sit and load ultimately can improve our DPS depending on each situation. It is possible that 4 of your spell slots could be used for m regen only (rod, symb, gather, thau). Of these multiple of them HAVE to be up to really get any use (gather, thau), the others you have to rotate through often to use (rods and symb).

Another side note is most of our regen line have some sort of stacking issues no other classes have, thus we should get some benefit of the doubt since we could get our regen debuffed.

Symbosis line (recommended AAs):
-Ext AAs for this line
-just turn it into an AA.

Can be overwritten my necro feedback m regen (short term gain but possible long term loss) and chanter robes with recourse mana. All other classes in your group rejoice, you have to be ready to recast/reload the spell if long fight. Extending it doesnt fix it (but outside of these situations will be a prefight spell only and not eat a spell slot), but not sure why it is such short duration. It is not like the damage it does to the pet is scary anymore.

Phantasm Guardian line (no recommended AAs, just fire power to gain more m regen):

They finally releised making it a copy paste of druid skin regen numbers did nothing for us, so it is slight better. BIGGEST issue is it can still be overwritten by a common pally AA heal (Hand of Piety). So you could block the large HoT and risk survival, but i do not think that is their intent. They in the end should fix our spell but this is not the place for that. It is fire power to show, look we have to sit and reload a m regen ability where other classes dont who group with pallies.

New Mod Rods (recommended AAs):
-Turn this into an AA to summon these. Hell make it just an AA we click instead of creating an item (I know that is essentially Canni, so doubt we get that).

We essentially gained back a spell slot for casting mass rods years ago when shards came out. Now they are taking that back to try in help where they have failed in our m regen. Give us our spell slot back, make this an AA. I like the idea but overall we have the riskiest way to recover mana of any class.

Gather mana line (recommended AAs):
-Faster Cast time
-Faster recovery time
-turn it into an AA line

This holding a spot is a must but sucks we have to have it that way. These would be nice but I would be fine with this as is as long as we get some other things turned into AAs.

Thaumatize Pet (recommended AAs):
-Turn it into an AA line
-Hasten cast time

Make it three ranks min (based off the three rk spells). Continue this line that way. Especially turn this into an AA if they never think they are going to upgrade it. Though I would like to see this line continue.

These are my thoughts. Hopefully they have some merit and someone feels like bringing them up. I appreciate you at least considering them, sinc eI do not think any of them require a ton of coding just a lot of copy pasting and changing things to AAs or copying pasting previous hastened AA line to work on this.

Thanks for you all time for reading this. If you want to discuss them great, but this isn't intended to derail this thred. More in hopes someone would bring them up for discussion during the IRC.
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Re: December 20th:

Post by deadman1204 »

More ranks of shield block?
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Domaa Klein
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Re: December 20th:

Post by Domaa Klein »

I would give my earth pets root ability for an extention to the suspend pet line. Able to keep pet in pocket through a death.

Not sure how hard this would be to code but it would sure be nice.
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Re: December 20th:

Post by Fleiss »

Oh another random AA I didn't add.

Take Choatic Assitance line and turn it into an AA line (just like RB).
-mirror it after RB just for pets (same proc rate)

I know this will likely be a huge no just because the exploits people were doing with RB. I assume they still exists, so instead of fixing the exploits, they just nerfed RB since necros couldn't use the exploit.
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Re: December 20th:

Post by Darkenr »

I want to see an increased pet crit dmg AA line (and have it start at a lower level req to catch us up because we should have had this for a while now) for a Veteran's Wrath AA line for pets. Our pet criticals could use some help IMO.
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Re: December 20th:

Post by Voragath »

Domaa Klein wrote:I would give my earth pets root ability for an extention to the suspend pet line. Able to keep pet in pocket through a death.

Not sure how hard this would be to code but it would sure be nice.
Currently, unable to code this last time a dev discussed it. Add to it that it's not something any of the devs, past and present, have ever even been open to.
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Re: December 20th:

Post by Calebe »

I would like an AA to make the Silent Casting AA cast instantly instead of the long cast it currently has. This can be just done or make it cost a few AA's to make it insta cast.

Self evac would be a great AA for us, and also make it insta cast.

All the rest look good.

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Re: December 20th:

Post by Aither »

#MAGEAA will be open on the 20th for us to filter our input thru one person. It's is important that we do not have 20 magicians talking over each other during our chat with Elidroth. Piemastaj may or may not be able to attend, and Voragath will not be able to make it in until the last few hours. I am willing to take lead during the chats, and will be in #MAGEAA the whole day. If for some reason you are unable to attend and have an idea or two not already mentioned in this thread, just send me a pm here on the Magician's Tower and I will address it with Elidroth during our chat.
Please refrain from arguing points or otherwise causing disruption and things should go pretty smoothly.
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Re: December 20th:

Post by Gnomeland »

Host in the Shell: the scaling of Host in the Shell is completely out of whack with current content. This AA was first given in Underfoot, an expansion in which the average mob hit for about a third of what mobs in RoF hit. Yet the AA only received a 70% boost. Standard scaling is that the rune last around double what it currently does.

Host of the Elements: same thing. Scaling of damage on this AA is quite terrible. Don't know what the purpose of this AA is now.

Servant of Ro: need new ranks that scale well.

Large Mod Rod: though we did get an additional personal rod from spells this expansion, I don't think it's out of whack to ask for a new rank of this AA.

Share Health: I personally want to see the duration of this AA extended through new AAs to a maximum of 5 minutes. This is simple enough and doesn't have a large effect on balance, yet it is useful.

Divine Companion Aura: we talked about this before, and I think we all want it changed to a weaponshield instead of the aggro drop invul that it presently is.

Call Hither: is there a way to make this faster casting? I find it useful, but too slow.
Last edited by Gnomeland on Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: December 20th:

Post by Voragath »

They are not upping our AA mod for a long time. Part of the reason we got the personal rod.
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