Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

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Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Sancus »

For anyone who visits these forums but not the EQ forums... The 7/15/15 Patch brings a very large nerf to rains:
- Reduced the critical chance for all rain spells level 96 and above.
What this means is that Rains will crit a maximum of 40% of the time, regardless of any crit rate enhancing buffs:
[44841/7606] Coronal Rain
Classes: MAG/103
Skill: Evocation
Mana: 1808
Target: Target AE
Range: 150', AE Range: 25'
Resist: Fire
Reflectable: Yes
Casting: 4s, Recast: 12s, Timer: 3, Rest: 1.5s
AE Waves: 3
Crit Chance/Dmg: 40%
1: Decrease Current HP by 15530
Text: You are caught in a burning rain.
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Sancus »

This patch also brings a change to the way Critical Damage Modifiers work. As of right now, the highest effect takes precedence. For example, if you have Group Spirit of the Black Wolf (200% Critical Damage Modifier) and Illusions of Grandeur (250% Critical Damage Modifier), your total critical damage modifier from spells would be 250%. With the patch, every critical damage modifier has lost 100%, meaning Black Wolf is now 100% and IoG is now 150%. However, these now stack, meaning with them both on, your critical damage modifier from spells is 250%. With this change, we can stack up to 310% (GBW+IoG+Glyph of the Cataclysm), as opposed to the previous 250% max. However, a 200% modifier was previously achievable out to the 6 minute mark with a Enc+Dru support group. Now, after the 2 minute mark, we drop down to 100% (and at 4 minutes drop to 0). And, even though we do gain in burst as far as the crit damage mod goes, with the rain nerf our burst will still be much lower, and our sustained will be even worse.

It should be noted that Beimeith (who seems to have more knowledge of these changes than was publicly released, which means he is likely the one to thank for the rain nerf) has said multiple times that when the changes are done, staggering mods as we currently do on live will result in the exact same crit damage mods, but when stacked they lose 100%. It should also be noted that we gained 31% additively to our passive critical damage mod, bringing it from 270%(+100% base) to 301%(+100% base).
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Sancus »

And some other notable changes that I do not currently have enough information on to accurately explain (or, in the case of the last one, they don't really require an explanation):
- Proc effect stacking - Changed how buffs that trigger effects when spells and skills are used ("procs") interact with each other. All procs now have the ability to cast concurrently. This changes previous behavior that only allowed one proc spell to be cast at a time.
- Magician - Frenzied Burnout AA spells now allow all ranks of the ability to imbue the magician's pet with the ability to rampage and flurry.
- Magician - Summon spells such as Call of the Hero no longer cause their target to dismount, unless the location that the target is being summoned to is too small of an area for that target to have summoned a mount.
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Fleiss »

Looks like rains will just move to a efficient spell line.

The Crit mods will be interesting. Short term we will see gains, long term fights we may drop out. The passive should help some though. Won't know til we parse it out.

The proc thing I am very interested in and the catagories. We may actually be able to use elemental form earth/fire now with a chanter or druid in grp. Will have to see if every aug you have that has a proc can proc (basically meaning they will all hit max ppm averages on them) or if augs will be on category. Will have to relook at line up if the number of procs per spell is up significantly based off stacking. Quicker spells might be better route in some cases depending on the timing of your line up.

I hope the FBO change fixes our broken pets that has been that way for two expansions. They have been skipping and missing rounds in raid environments for a bit. So I hope those processes are going to be sorted out. But more likely they are just adding flurry mod to all the lesser ranks, so will do nada for established mages.
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Tweelis »

Since I'm on the progression server these nerfs won't hit me for now. However in the past (like with the pet nerf) when others say crap like "you're exaggerating, it isn't that bad" or some such stuff I throw the ball back in their court.

While I've never hit 250k DPS I know it's possible for a mage given the right line-up. Tell the powers that be to prove their stance. By that I mean if person ABC claims we're exaggerating the nerf challenge them to make a toon on test and see what kind of numbers they can post. If after this change person ABC can still come up with a way to have mages hit say 240k DPS or even do the same amount of total damage on a particular fight then we eat crow.

If a mage can do 15 million total damage on a particular fight on live and 11 million on the test server have the powers that be prove us wrong and post a parse showing 15 million (or as close to as possible). Yes these numbers are made up but the basis is the same.
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Fleiss »

You want the game developers to actually test their game, muhahahahahha. It has been a while since I even heard of them playing. I seriously doubt they sit around and parse. So you are dreaming if you think we would get that. We would have to show where they are wrong in multiple parses. If this works how Sancus describes, we will see higher short term parses, which people will think things are better but the long term could be down which sadly I see less focus on from DPSers. I doubt they get much flak for it just because people will go, look at my huge 25sec parse and ignore the rest
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Potawatomi »

Still no meaningful responses from any Dev. smurf is ridiculous.
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Sancus »

FWIW as far as procs go (I know it's a pretty minor part of the patch, but I figure most other people will be focused on the Rain nerfs)...

Prior to the patch with a weapon proc and 2 DD aug procs (all Base1=100), I was getting a 24.5% chance to proc each of the procs. With a weapon proc and 1 DD aug proc I was getting a 29.8% chance to proc each proc. With a weapon proc and no DD aug procs I was getting a 37.6% chance to proc that proc.

Post patch with a weapon proc and 2 DD aug procs I was getting a 37.7% average chance to proc per proc. I haven't parsed it with less procs, but eyeballing the data and the patch notes, it looks like the changes are removing the diminishing returns from extra procs (i.e. every proc has the chance that a single proc used to have).

Pre and post patch, Ancient Hedgewizard's Brew appears to be proccing ~37% of the time (I got 37.6% chance before the patch and 36.6% after, but I'm assuming that's the RNG because the difference was small).

All of the above was using the lineup Remorseless Servant -> Storm of Many -> Rain of Cutlasses -> Coronal Rain -> Spear of Molten Shieldstone. I tried to do parses with Elemental Form: Fire, but apparently I'm bugged and cannot get Elemental Flames to land on me regardless of the buffs I have on (it does land on my pet, but not me).
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by xantin »

So regarding the rain nerf was it big enough that you end gamers have altered your weaves or is it still mana / dps ratio worth while?
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Re: Rain Nerf 7/15/15 Patch, Among Other Things

Post by Danille »

xantin wrote:So regarding the rain nerf was it big enough that you end gamers have altered your weaves or is it still mana / dps ratio worth while?
Yeah rains are useless on raids. Fire DD's all the way now and just about everything stacks.
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