/wave from Lockjaw

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/wave from Lockjaw

Post by Adonhiram »

Hello fellow magicians,

I just wanted to say hello to the whole mage community I left several years ago. Some of you remember me maybe, I definitely quitted EQlive during HoT era. I than played a bit on emu servers, THF and more recently on the Imperium. And now I am back on EQ live on the TLP server Lockjaw, where I recreated a 'classic' mage and am boxing a druid (to heal pet... No pet heal spells on Lockjaw yet...). I just can't help it, EQ -and mage identity- has been a part of my life for 15 years and somehow I am always drawn back to it...

A special /hug to all Pikeys mages on the AB server, especially Conjurous (who now plays a pally as main) and Wabb, if he is still around.

I hope the mage community is in good shape, and that the class will have nice features with the new BM expansion, even if I won't see that on Lockjaw 8-) So how has been your life since HoT ? Mages good at the moment on regular EQ ? On TLP servers, the class has unfortunately a bad image because of the bot mage armies.

Elemental Greetings everyone. And I did use the potion of amnesia to call my pet Gobantik, forever...
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Re: /wave from Lockjaw

Post by Danille »

Hey! :)

Nice to see you!

Mages have been though a few nerfs over the past 3 years. The worse was our pet survivability nerf when a single player basically tried to dupe the developers into comparing our pet's survivability to pallies and sk's in tanking situations without the tanks using their discs.

Because a pet's survivability discs are mostly front end loaded, we actually had gotten nerfed to the point where many mages were ready to toss in the towel, but a group of mages and warriors (including myself and a very good warrior friend of mine Brutial) did some extensive parsing comparing mages with all discs burned against pallies and sk's with all discs burned to the best of their ability.

By doing so, the developers reversed about 70% of the nerfs, but we still were dealt a bad blow. It really changed how we can handle multi-mob scenarios and ensures what we really have to burn just about all our discs in order to survive in events where we only had to toss out a few tricks.

As a result, our ability to gain experience and levels when compared to other classes is a bit crappy now, but we make due. Piemasterj is pretty active so far in the new beta supporting mages as he usually does, presenting very well thought out arguments backed up by exact math. We are blessed to have him on our side and hopefully the developers will view his math in the new expansion beta which is pretty undeniable.

Playing a mage is still a blast regardless of your preference in the solo, group or raid game.

Welcome back! :mrgreen:
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Re: /wave from Lockjaw

Post by Adonhiram »

Hello Danille, thanks for the info :-)

Sorry to hear that a core point for our class, aka pet survivability/tankability has been weakened, even if Piej's efforts have reduced somehow the nerf. My first mage buddy in my former guild has now a pally as main, I know why..

Playing a mage again in classic is very fun and very 'simple' (no AAs, no spell refresh, but also no /pet hold...) but I must say I miss my gargoyle, the RS line really became a class defining tool since DoD.

Elemental Greetings, fellow mages out there, whatever the era :lol:
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