Monster missions

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Monster missions

Post by Deq »

Hi again,

What are monster missions? I've had a quick google and sort of get the idea, you use a shroud? to do interesting missions. That seems fun, is there a reward? I've seen them mentioned in the chat channels.

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Re: Monster missions

Post by Danille »

they suck, you play a watered down level 50 character instead of your main. Its stupid.
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Re: Monster missions

Post by Glaven »

Assuming you are referring to the new MMs and not the old DoDH ones, there are 3 of them plus 2 raids that you get from old man mckenzie in PoK. They are fun for a couple of times, then they are just a tedious farm. You get currency (Mckenzies special brews) for completing them, but you have to do them a ton to actually get anything.
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Re: Monster missions

Post by Wati »


Your group enters an instanced zone, but before you do that you choose a "monster" to play.

In many classic missions you play various mobs and different classes. They all use abilities instead of spells. You rarley have equipment, but decent stat. The missions ive played your toon often is quite overpowered compared to their class. You always get a fixed level inside the mission, some mission you could enter with a new level 1 toon, but you are a level 70 monster inside the mission.

In the new monster missions in pok you get to choose a class, a level 50 toon with level 50 equipment, and you should kill nameds in the instanced zone(Guk/Soldung B). You cannot keep the loot you find, but you will get to a chest in the end with 1 item you could bring out. And you also as a reward get the special currency to buy items in pok.

In the new MM's you need to be an averange level of 80 in your group, and since i'm only 76 atm I have only done them once so far. But i wouldnt hesitate to do them again when ever i get the chance. (I also do belive the minimum level to enter is 70 in the new MM's)

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Re: Monster missions

Post by Bastler »

Old man Mckenzie is in pok in the east bar. As mentioned you need a lvl average of 80, we have had some lvl 68 alts in it so 70 is not minimum. You get a really massive amount of xp. Though they are repetitive they are currently simply the fastest way to PL an alt or main of course with xp and AA. At lvl 82, 400 AA my Enc alt gets 7-8 AA per Mission, so ~22-24 AA in abiout 2-3h max, per day. Which for me is nice.
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Re: Monster missions

Post by Mendoros07 »

The gear is pretty sick too that you can eventually buy using the brews you receive for the missions. However the really good stuff is available only if you've done a bunch of required raids in the first place -- I am not 100% sure what the group only gear looks like.
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Re: Monster missions

Post by Deq »

Thanks for that, I'm too low level at the moment, but I'm not too sure about the appeal of farming them, will give them ago when I've got a few more levels though :)
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Re: Monster missions

Post by Merlaina »

The gear that drops in the missions is roughly equivalent to T4 SoD gear, but with no risk to get. Also as noted the XP is astoundingly good, plus you get almost 2K in pp each run. I'm torn on these, because on one hand they're a great way to get some catch up gear and AA/XP if you want to level and gear up quickly. On the other hand I feel it cheapens the efforts of many players who worked very hard for their gear and involved real risk (well, real video game risk anyway). These missions, with minimal effort, basically hand you 600 HME armor.
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Re: Monster missions

Post by dorfillya »

OMG, are they boring after you do them a few times.
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Re: Monster missions

Post by Vermi »

the only real challange to these comes from forming pickup groups. Are you going to get
-the solo artist who runs ahead of everyone, occasionlly over aggroing and complaining about "noobs"
-the clueless who cannot figure out how to set abilities - how to read the maps - how to move around without aggroing everythign on the way
-the perfectionist who declares the one true way to do each and every pull and refuses to entertain any other alternatives
-the competent player who can play any of the heros and adjust to different mixes of classes
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