Our own worst enemy

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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by Piemastaj »

Even if he was, he has still yet to respond back to us. This was slap in the face for him to post. He obviously hasn't been apart of the community from mages for awhile because we go through this smurf near every expansion.

We have always, and will always be split on the pet vs spell issue. It is the devs job to look at the data and say ok they really need help in X area. This expansion X would be spell DPS to increase our burst. They have the data infront of them, they also have our ideas infront of them. They should start acting on those ideas instead of coming here and explaining what we already know.

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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by Voragath »

I agree and it's time we put someone up there to stay on top of them. Despite Koz's failings (depending on who you talk to) he at least stayed on top of the devs. Right now, the devs are free to do as they please. And if they respond, who should they respond to? All 30? 15? 1 and which one? I'm sure they could take time out to send a PM to one person if they know that data will get out. The system wouldn't be perfect, but it is better than what we have now and we have to at least try.

I think that actually explains the issue. He may be trying to tell us he has 30 talking heads and he's not sure which one to listen to. Let's give him one or two to drown out the noise. A name that he'll recognize in his in box and instantly realize it's correspondence from the mage class.
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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by Piemastaj »

Then he should say that. Because if that is what he meant he failed at getting that issue made. And to be honest he should know who to listen to and who to not. If he took the time to come here, he can take the time to go to the guild progression site. Right here shows every guild and what they are doing. Then look at the 15 PMs, ok 5 people are in top 10 guilds, more or less likely they are hit the hardest. So they should know wtf is going on.

Its not hard to do, which is why coming here and posting does nothing.

Again, we all culd PM him and say please listen to Voragath or Tuli or whoever. He actually has to listen to that person or that system fails just like the one we have now. And like you said, we are not the whole community here so we can not be like ok stop sending him a PM unless your person X and person Y. The Pms will still get sent from people who only go to EQlive and dont come here.

Trust me I understand what your trying to do, but there are a lot of variables to consider to actually make it work. They need to start using data and realize ok these 6 people who have brought up ideas about Burst kno wtf they are talking about, the other 9 ppl asking about pets do not.

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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by Jedis »

Piemastaj wrote:Even if he was, he has still yet to respond back to us. This was slap in the face for him to post.
Actually, someone asked him to post here (they sent me a PM), and he did so as a kind gesture. He didn't have to post and could have remained silent.

Hopefully, this first post will help open the lines of communication for the future.
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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by Piemastaj »

I asked him to respond back to my ideas that were expressed in that thread, he did not do that. If he would have responded back to them we would be in a lot better/happier state. Instead he came here and spit in our face by telling us what we already have known since mages were created.

And telling a dev to come here with the state that thread is in is real pro. That is exactly the way to NOT get something done.

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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by svenalo »

Voragath wrote:I agree and it's time we put someone up there to stay on top of them. Despite Koz's failings (depending on who you talk to) he at least stayed on top of the devs. Right now, the devs are free to do as they please. And if they respond, who should they respond to? All 30? 15? 1 and which one? I'm sure they could take time out to send a PM to one person if they know that data will get out. The system wouldn't be perfect, but it is better than what we have now and we have to at least try.

I think that actually explains the issue. He may be trying to tell us he has 30 talking heads and he's not sure which one to listen to. Let's give him one or two to drown out the noise. A name that he'll recognize in his in box and instantly realize it's correspondence from the mage class.
Exactly on point, and I further think you should be the point person for the time being (or longer)...
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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by Savil »

I don't mind supplying data to people .. and giving feedback on ideas, but I have a history with this dev. Elidroth and I don't see eye to eye at all. He has personally stood there and lied to Wire and I both in past betas. I will no longer be sending in parsing data to him, I don't mind forwarding it to another mage with my name removed, but honestly I do more harm here atm than good due to the issues around elidroth and me.

That said I have sent in so many freaking parses now I can't see how in the world they would need more. At least I know all those damned parses accomplished something. Its nice to know it wasn't a complete waste of my time.

Also, I would like to point something out real fast. Asking a dev to come read a thread that somebody has pointed out that same dev lied in .. and called him a fool, is one of the most stupid things I have seen in EQ. Its a great way to put mages at odds with the dev. Please, *think* before you do something so completely stupid again.

What ever mage it is thats still sending in PM's for more pet power is a moron. Whats more, your completely screwing up our chances to get real change for our class. That same person / group of people will make it so we have no more raiding mages. Grats for being so short sighted that you only care about your little grouping / solo circle and to hell with all the raiding mages that stand to get screwed this exp.

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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by sharrien »

It's no secret that my "main" is a beastlord and I know that some on this forum will dismiss anything I say on this topic because of that. However, I have played my mage for longer than most (since Jan 2001) and I bring him to any raid that has room. He even does pretty decent on parses. No, my guild isn't anywhere near cutting edge, but we're making our way through UF and doing a little in the first tier of HoT.

Yes, we need better burst dps in raids. Tying burst dps to our pets probably won't work like most have said. DPS that dies when our pets die is wasted. However, I don't want to become a bastard wizard with just a different set of class titles, we are a pet class. We are THE pet class. Please, whoever ends up being our primary spokesmen, don't trade away our pets' tanking ability or sustained dps nor allow it to stagnate in favor of pushing an adgenda for end-game raiding.

One other thing. I know many are frustrated that Elidroth doesn't repond to every PM, but try to remember that he has 16 classes to work with and thousands of individual players. If we're rude to him then he won't want to ever come here to post, much less read our forum. Save the hostility for Sony management who won't hire enough devs.
Last edited by sharrien on Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by Savil »

I've pointed this out before but going to toss this up again, my EM11 pet can tank 3 SS mobs at once (yellow mobs) ... and thats using *air pet*. Last night in MC I had a water pet OT'ing a mob. Our pets do not need more tanking. If they get the same level of upgrade they got from UF to HoT they will be more than fine.

People freaking out over the pet suddenly losing its tanking ability are a large part of the current problems. Could the pets stand to do a bit more DPS? Yes. I'd love to see all pets get a 20% bump to there DPS.

My main was a beastlord for several years until I moved to mage, so I'm pretty ok with you being both. Mage air pet still out tanks and out DPS's the beastlord pet (as it should imho). I was one of the mages that stood up and said I would like to see beastlord pets bumped for both tanking and DPS.

So again I ask the simple question, how many yellow con mobs does our pets need to be able to tank before people are happy? Tanking 3 yellows in SS with a merc healing is more than fine guys.

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Re: Our own worst enemy

Post by sharrien »

Savil wrote:So again I ask the simple question, how many yellow con mobs does our pets need to be able to tank before people are happy? Tanking 3 yellows in SS with a merc healing is more than fine guys.

Like I said, I just don't want to see tanking ability stagnate (meaning it should get modest increases in line with everything else that we get each expansion) because the current hot issue for the most vocal of us is burst dps. I'm very happy atm with tanking ability right now, I just don't want to see it erode.

Also, keep in mind that anything above EM8 is fairly rare. Goner does fine tanking names and even my warder can offtank in SS, but I'm pretty sure 3 yellows would destroy both my pets in short order even with 2 merc healers.
Primal Elementalist Ravingronn Blazewarden, Master Artisan, Master Researcher
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